Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives you the right to access recorded information held by public authorities, including Registers of Scotland.

How to make a Freedom of Information request

To make a request, please send us details of the information you require access to, your name and an address to send the information to (this can be an email address).

There is a statutory time period for responding to requests for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act which is 20 working days from when we receive your request.

Send requests to:

Registers of Scotland
FOI Requests Team
Meadowbank House
153 London Road

Email :

We publish previous FOI responses on our website.

Exempt information

If a document contains information exempt under Scotland's freedom of information laws, we may remove or redact it. If we do, we'll explain why.

Information included in any of our public registers is exempt from release under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (Section 25) - Information otherwise accessible. This information is available via our Customer Services team.

Some information is also available from our ScotLIS service.

Freedom of Information: the model publication scheme

As a public authority, we are required to:

  • publish the classes of information we make available
  • tell you how you can access this information and what it might cost

We've adopted the Scottish Information Commissioners' model publication scheme.

Availability and formats

Where possible, we publish information here on our website.

Classes of information

We publish information in eight classes:

  • class 1: about Registers of Scotland
  • class 2: how we deliver functions and services
  • class 3: how we take decisions
  • class 4: what we spend and how
  • class 5: how we manage our resources
  • class 6: how we procure goods and services
  • class 7: how we are performing
  • class 8: our commercial activities

In each class, we publish information for the current and previous two financial years. Previous versions may be available on request.


You may use and reproduce most of the Crown copyright material we produce free of charge and in any format or medium. We ask that you reproduce it accurately and in an appropriate context. Please acknowledge the material as crown copyright.

There are some exceptions to this position. Where these apply, you'll find special copyright notices in the document.

More on copyright.

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