Chris Kerr

Chris Kerr - Director of Policy and Corporate Services and Accountable Officer

Director of Policy and Corporate Services and Accountable Officer

Chris Kerr is responsible for the operation of the registers under the Keeper’s control, as well as the RoS Policy Unit and Legal Services.

Chris studied law at the University of Glasgow and University College London, and has strong experience working with colleagues across Government, as well as working closely with Ministers. In previous roles he has worked on policy development and implementation of new legislation, and was a member of the Scottish Government Bill team responsible for taking the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 through Parliament.


Expenses since 2020 are lower than normal because of COVID-19 pandemic.

Chris's expenses 2024 to 2025

Chris's expenses 2023 to 2024

Chris's expenses 2022 to 2023

Chris's expenses 2021 to 2022

Chris's expenses 2020 to 2021

Register of Interests

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