We published our Corporate Business Plan 2021-26 in April 2021 and committed to publish our delivery progress on a regular basis.
After six months, we have conducted a review on how current and relevant the plan is now.
The vision, values and strategic objectives remain appropriate for the five year period.
The themes and priorities remain appropriate for the first 12-18 months of that period.
The finance and resourcing profiles will be reviewed at the end of the financial year, as part of the next six month update.
The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) support delivery throughout the organisation against the strategic objectives.
With six months’ experience, we have refined one the KPIs going forward, to ensure it continues to drive delivery of the desired outcomes.
We are now in a position to update our KPI relating to ‘Complete 60% of applications despatched within 35 days’.
Detailed below are the changes we are implementing, and the revised set of KPIs we will be working towards for Q3 and Q4 of the FY 21/22.
The current KPI is to complete 60% of all applications despatched in 35 days. This will be retained for all First Registrations (FR) and Dealings with Whole (DW) and refined for Transfer of Part (TP) cases.
Over the first 2 quarters of this financial year TP cases have averaged around 30% (with a range of 26% to 42%) against the KPI of 60% for all product types.
The modelling done as part of our corporate planning process, and the resultant KPI measures, did not fully account for the work required to deal with associated cases.
Most new TP cases we’ve received have associated cases already in work, which need to be despatched before the new cases can be processed.
The higher than expected number of associated cases is the reason why the TP KPI target has not been met and why the clear the arrear target has been exceeded.
In Q3 and Q4 the revised KPI will include keeping the 60% despatch target within 35 days for FR and DWs, and for TP applications without any unregistered prior applications.
Linked to this, we are setting a new, higher target for pre 2021 TP applications of between 500 and 1800.
We will review the targets for Q4 in January to ensure they remain appropriate.
New cases | |
Dealing with Whole | 60% within 35 days |
First Registration | 60% within 35 days |
Transfer of Part (without unregistered prior applications) | 60% within 35 days |
Pre 2021 cases | |
First Registration | between 500 and 1000 |
Transfer of Part | between 500 and 1800 |
Total (including Dealing with Whole) | between 2000 and 5600 |