On Friday 18 March RoS won an Operational Delivery Professional award for our digital response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The award recognises our swift creation of an innovative digital submissions service which has revolutionised the way in which the legal profession interacts with land registration in Scotland.
The winning nomination was announced at a virtual ceremony where RoS was competing against a wide range of public sector bodies.
The service was recognised for embodying the Modern Civil Service vision - to be skilled, innovative and ambitious – and for highlighting the commitment of RoS colleagues to go above and beyond to promote modernisation and reform within government.
Securing this award means recognition that RoS is an organisation which truly pushes the boundaries in terms of digital transformation and innovation.
Kenny Crawford, Director of Business Development at RoS, said:
It is a fantastic achievement to have received this recognition and testament to the hard work of everyone across the organisation."
This is proof that with the right in house talent and skills, we can work with our customers to deliver a high-quality digital offer that can compete on a national scale for the benefit of the people of Scotland.