EQIA: Acceptable Use of Assets Policy

Published: 16 June 2023
Freedom of information class:


EQIA Acceptable use of assets policy - (200.5 KB)

Business Area: Information Security Group
Accountable Director: Corporate Services Director
Completion date: 18/04/2023
Review date: March 2024
Ref: CW-2023-081

EQIA Summary

This EQIA relates to the Acceptable Use of Assets Policy, which is subject to annual review by the Information Security Group (ISG).

There is evidence that there could be potential negative impacts of the policy against the protected characteristics of age and disability.

While RoS as an organisation can and does make digital accessibility support available to individuals requiring vision, hearing, motor, or cognitive assistance, the terms of this policy do not make clear that such adjustments to IT assets can be authorised.

This omission could lead to the belief that reasonable adjustments to IT assets are not available.

These potential negative impacts are mitigated by the recommended action outlined below.

Following approval of this EQIA, the policy has been updated, implementing the recommended action.

Impact Summary

Impact(s) Recommended Actions
Potential Negative - Age

Update policy to include a clear provision for digital accessibility

Potential Negative - Disability

Update policy to include a clear provision for digital accessibility