EQIA: Community Benefits Group Funding Process

Published: 28 June 2023
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Community Benefits Funding Group - (199.9 KB)

Business Area: Community Benefits Group
Accountable Director: Business Development Director
Completion date: 27 June 2023
Review date: December 2023
Ref: CW-2023-050

EQIA Summary

This EQIA relates to the Community Benefits Group (CBG) responsible for decisions regarding provision of funding to community groups and projects from an annual budget. When the CBG was established, funding was only available for community groups associated with a RoS colleague. The funding criteria for applicants has recently been extended to also include applications from external community groups.

Potential negative impacts have been identified in relation to the protected characteristics of age, disability and religion/belief. These impacts are mitigated by the recommended actions outlined below.

Extending the criteria for funding could also have a potentially positive impact across several of the protected characteristics, as it allows the funding opportunity to be accessed more widely, broadening the number and range of local community groups that can apply.

Impact summary

Impact (s) Recommended Actions
Potential positive - across several protected characteristics Promote funding opportunity widely to increase the likelihood of applications from a range of community groups
Potential negative - age Provide assistance during the application process if required and communicate about funding opportunity in a variety of locations.
Potential negative – disability Have a flexible approach to submissions and consider accessibility of application process.
Potential negative – religion or belief Investigate and expand on Annex B in the ‘Guidance for applications’ document to set out more clearly the types of religious groups that would not be eligible for CBG funding.