EQIA: Performance management check ins

Published: 04 April 2023
Freedom of information class:

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) under the Equality Act 2010.

Business Area: Organisational Development

Accountable Director: Corporate Services Director

Date: 24/02/2023

Ref: CW-2023-006

EQIA Summary

The scope of this EQIA is the implementation of the Check-In tool, as part of a refresh of the RoS performance management framework.

Potential negative impacts have been identified in relation to the protected characteristics of age and disability. These impacts are adequately mitigated by actions included in the proposal.

The proposal could have a significant positively impact across a number of protected characteristics through a more collaborative, flexible and continuous approach to performance management. Actions proposed will enhance this positive impact, but recommendations are made in relation to monitoring, reporting and targeting areas of low uptake.

The proposal could also contribute positively to all aspects of the public sector equality duty.

Find out more information in the Performance Management pdf.

Impact Summary

ImpactRecommended Actions
Potential negative- ageImpact suitably mitigated 
Potential negative - disabilityImpact suitably mitigated
Potential positive -
Disability, Gender Reassignment, Pregnancy/Maternity, Race/ethnicity,
religion, sex/gender
Monitoring/ reporting on uptake to ensure effective roll out
Strategy to target areas of low uptake
Review dateSeptember 2023

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