EQIA: Extra support for customers policy

Published: 25 June 2024
Freedom of information class:

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) under the Equality Act 2010.

Business Area: Customer Services

Accountable Director: David Blair

Date: 29/05/2024

Ref: CW-2024-534

EQIA Summary

The EQIA relates to the Extra Support For Customers Policy which will go live shortly. The implementation of the policy will help support RoS’s legal duties under the Equality Act (2010). This is in line with other government organisations who already have vulnerable customer policies or similar guidance.

There is evidence that the policy will positively impact a number of the protected characteristics. These being Age; Disability; Race, Religion or belief and Socioeconomics.

A potentially challenging impact has been identified and, although this does not directly relate to one protected characteristic, could impact customer services colleagues as a whole. There is a risk that asking staff to regularly have conversations with customers about their difficult circumstances could have an effect on staff wellbeing. This risk could be avoided by ensuring staff have appropriate training and guidance ahead of implementation.

Impact Summary

ImpactRecommended Actions
Positive - Age; Disability; Race, Religion or belief and Socio-economicsAnnual reviews of the policy and 6 monthly refresh of training of staff
Potential Negative – all customer service staffRegular wellbeing check ins with staff and access to appropriate training.
Review dateNovember 2024

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