FOI release: Software systems

Published: 06 January 2022
Freedom of information class: What we spend and how

Information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

FOI reference: CW-2021-365
Date received: 2 November 2021
Clarified: 8 December 2021
Date responded: 5 January 2022

Information requested

You asked for information regarding the types of software and applications in use at RoS. You also asked for:

  1. Contract Register
  2. Overall non-staff spend
  3. Software spend
  4. Number of staff/employees


The answer to your questions are:

  1. View our contract register
  2. Total non-staff costs can be found in our 20-21 Annual Report and Accounts on page 94. The figure for 20-21 was £14,635,000. This excludes non-cash items.
  3. Total software costs can be found in our 20-21 Annual Report and Accounts under the heading ‘Equipment and Services’ on page 94. The figures represent current expenditure (i.e. non-capital) and for the year 2020-21 are included in the table below:
Software Inventory2,294,913
Software Maintenance Renewal2,324,186

All expenses are recorded on an accrual accounting basis.

  1. During 2020-21, the average number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff employed was 1,252. Details of staff numbers can be found in our Annual Report and Accounts at page 73.

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