FOI Release: Current open casework
Published: 06 March 2023Freedom of information class: How we're performing
Information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).
FOI reference: CW-2023-054
Date received: 10 February 2023
Date responded: 6 March 2023
Information requested
Update of the disposition applications currently outstanding in a similar fashion to the first table annexed to the Keeper's letter to the Economy and Fair Work Committee.
While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this case we consider the information you have requested to be otherwise accessible. Section 25 of FOISA exempts information from disclosure where the requester can reasonably obtain the information without making a request for it. I can confirm that this information has recently been published on the Scottish Parliament website under question reference S6W-14488 and can be found here.
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If you have a question or query about FOI requests, you can email the information governance team at: