FOI Release: Median Gender Pay Gap
Published: 13 June 2023Freedom of information class: What we spend and how
Information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).
FOI reference: CW-2023-199
Date received: 22 May 2023
Date responded: 12 June 2023
Information requested
Your most recent Gender Pay Gap report showed zero difference in "median hourly pay".
Please release your anonymised workings to show how this figure was calculated.
RoS reports gender pay gap data to the Government Equalities Office every year. Our most recent report, for 2022/23, is available on the gender pay gap service website. It is this figure that the information provided below relates to. Our gender pay gap data for 2023/24 will be published on the gender pay gap service website by 30 June 2023.
The median is the middle point of a range of numbers arranged in order, so the figures used for comparison reflect this middle point of hourly rates for female and male employees.
There were 597 female employees in post when the calculation was taken. As this is an odd number the employee used for the calculation was employee 299 on the list. Her hourly rate was £15.97. She is one of 172 employees on that hourly rate.
There were 584 male employees when the calculation was taken. As this is an even number we used the median of the 2 middle numbers, this was from employees 292 and 293 on the list. Both of their hourly rates were £15.97. They were two of 155 employees on that hourly rate.
On comparison, both males and females have a median rate of £15.97 resulting in a Median Pay Gap of 0%.
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