FOI Release: Social media management and social listening tools

Published: 01 November 2023
Freedom of information class: What we spend and how

Information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

FOI reference: CW-2023-452 
Date received: 17 October 2023 
Date responded: 1 November 2023

Information requested

  1. Do you use a social media management platform?
  2. If so, what tools do you use?
  3. How much do you spend annually on a Social media management tool?
  4. Which month & year does your contract with your supplier end?
  5. Do you use a social listening / media monitoring platform?
  6. If so, what tools do you use?
  7. How much do you spend annually on a social listening / media monitoring tool?
  8. Which month & year does your contract with your supplier end?
  9. Who is the senior officer in charge of these contracts?


The answers to your questions are:

2.Buffer Awesome (a social media management platform used for scheduling and measuring social media activity)
3.$180 per annum
4.November 2023
6.Cision (contracted to provide us with coverage of all published or broadcasted information – including social media)
7.Initial contract value is £35,364 over 2 years (£17,682 per annum) excluding VAT
8.Initial end date September 2025 with option to extend up to 2 years (September 2027)
9.Head of External Communications and Engagement

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