FOI Release: Questions relating to Keeper Induced Registration

Published: 06 February 2024
Freedom of information class: How we're performing

Information request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

FOI reference: CW-2024-031
Date received: 11 January 2024
Date responded: 05 February 2024

Information requested:

In relation to Keeper Induced Registration (KIR) for privately owned properties:

  • The reasoning behind the pause in 2019
  • Any prospect of recommencement
  • Has KIR continued for public properties?
  • If so to what extent are all public properties now in the Land Register?


  • The reasoning behind the pause in 2019

As outlined in this 2020 blog from the Keeper, it was to ensure the maximum resource available to focus on reducing the Open Casework.

  • Any prospect of recommencement

There are no plans to recommence KIR, however you may find our current work on Unlocking Sasines of interest – this work aims to provide indicative ownership information for titles still in Sasines (such as publicly owned land), and further information can be found here.

  • Has KIR continued for public properties?

KIR for public properties was paused in December 2020.

  • If so to what extent are all public properties now in the Land Register?

Under KIR Public RoS registered 89481 addresses under 2703 Titles.

Applicants for registration are not required to provide information on whether the land in question is public or private sector. Furthermore, there are various definitions of what constitutes public land or bodies.

Due to these factors it is not possible to ascertain the percentage of public or private sector land in the Land Register. Information is therefore not held for this part of your request.

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