Mapping in the Land Register of Scotland Working Group - Terms of Reference
Published: 13 August 2019Freedom of information class: How we take decisions
Terms of reference for Mapping Working Group.
To provide a forum for positive engagement between those organisations with an interest in mapping matters relating to the registration of titles across Scotland.
The Mapping Working Group (MWG) will provide an environment for discussion and consideration on the formulation, dissemination, co-ordination and oversight of plans policy and practice affecting all organisations. It will act as the referral point for any matters raised by the wider community and Ministers, as well as providing opportunities for the respective member organisations to raise any topical issues. The range of duties will include the following.
- Considering live mapping issues and developing joined-up solutions.
- Reviewing current policy and practices and ensuring they are fit for purpose in the light of new legislation, practices, and technologies.
- Agreeing and sharing best practice and guidelines.
- Identifying and implementing strategies for continuous improvement, where required.
- Providing means to communicate effectively with all stakeholders regarding mapping matters.
- Encouraging and improving engagement in, primarily, the mapping environment, but also in general terms between organisations.
- Providing evidence of actions taken to deal with issues raised by Ministers and the wider community of stakeholders.
- Providing an output to facilitate a better understanding of spatial referencing and improved precision and accuracy of transactional boundaries from those submitting plans for registration.
Frequency of meetings will be agreed dependent on issues arising, however there is an expectation that at least one meeting will be held quarterly with the first chaired by RoS and held in Meadowbank House.
A minute of each meeting for information/actions will be taken by the host organisation.
Each body represented below will be entitled to nominate membership.
- Ordnance Survey
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- Law Society of Scotland
- Registers of Scotland.
May 2019