Senior management structure

Published: 29 September 2020
Freedom of information class: About Registers of Scotland

View our current management structure.

Jennifer Henderson - Keeper of the Registers of Scotland and Chief Executive

Jennifer Henderson, Keeper of the Registers of Scotland and Chief Executive

Jennifer is responsible for leading Registers of Scotland.

She is supported by the Executive Management Team of David Blair, Martin Burns and Chris Kerr.

David Blair - Director of Customer and Business Development

David Blair, Director of Customer and Business Development

David’s areas of responsibilities and management leads
Area of responsibility Management lead
Communications and MarketingHead of Communications and Engagement
Customer Experience Head of Customer Experience
Business DevelopmentHead of Business Development and Land Register Completion
GeovationHead of Innovation and Geovation
Unlocking SasinesHead of Unlocking Sasines
Chris Kerr - Director of Policy and Corporate Services and Accountable Officer

Chris Kerr, Director of Policy and Corporate Services and Accountable Officer

Chris’ areas of responsibilities and management leads
Area of responsibility Management lead
Legal and Policy Head of Legal and Policy
Current ServiceHead of Registration
DeliveryHead of Delivery
FinanceChief Finance Officer
Risk and Information GovernanceHead of Risk and Information Governance
DeliveryHead of Service Delivery
Martin Burns - Director of Digital, Data and Technology

Martin Burns, Director of Digital, Data and Technology

Martin's areas of responsibilities and management leads
Area of ResponsibilityManagement Lead
IT DevelopmentHead of IT Development
IT EnablementHead of IT Enablement
ProductHead of Product
DataChief Data Officer
User Centred DesignPrincipal Designer
TBC - Director for People and Operational Services

TBC, Director for People and Operational Services

Area of responsibilityManagement Lead
People and ChangeChief People Officer
RegistrationHead of Registration 1
RegistrationHead of Registration 2