Procurement contracts database
Published: 22 January 2018Freedom of information class: How we procure goods and services
View and download our contracts database.
Access the Procurement contracts database via the public contracts scotland website.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) operates a centralised procurement function, responsible for securing best value for money for the organisation. This means purchasing the goods and services that best match our needs, having regard to a number of factors, which may include quality, service, delivery against price, whole life costs, maintenance, and running and disposal costs.
Where possible, we look for opportunities to work with other organisations to establish collaborative contracts and take advantage of additional efficiencies. We currently use contracts let by the Scottish government and the Crown Commercial Service (CCS).
RoS is a member of the supplier development programme which provides a range of specialist business support activities including the provision of advice, information and training support with the aim of assisting businesses to become more capable of accessing and competing for public sector contracts.
More information can be obtained via the public contracts scotland website or by visiting the Scottish Government's supplier journey.
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