Maximising attendance policy

Published: 16 December 2022
Freedom of information class:


Individual absence levels require to be monitored and it is one of the roles of managers to monitor the attendance levels of their team and to address any problems. Both long term and persistent short term absences can significantly disrupt work; however, much can be done to reduce the impact if both managers and employees are aware of their responsibilities.

Short term absence is defined as any absence less than 20 working days. In all cases of persistent short term absence, employees will be offered support to improve their level of attendance. In those cases where attendance does not improve, formal action, including termination of employment, will be considered. In each instance of long term sickness absence (defined as 4 continuous working weeks or longer) our aim will be to offer support and assistance to help the employee to successfully return to work within a reasonable timeframe.

It is recognised that, occasionally, a return to work will not be possible and, in these circumstances, it may be necessary to bring the employment relationship to an end. The application of this policy and any associated procedures or processes, will be undertaken in compliance with the Equality Act 2010. This may include making reasonable adjustments in the application of the policy to comply with these obligations.


Every employee must:

  • accept that they have a responsibility to attend work on a regular basis
  • follow procedures for reporting absence
  • maintain regular contact with their manager during periods of absence
  • attend return to work interviews with their manager and discuss their absence
  • discuss their attendance record at a meeting with their manager if the frequency or length of sickness absence causes concern and/or the Bradford trigger point of 90 has been breached.

Every manager must:

  • take appropriate action to assist and support the employee during sickness absence and on their return to work;
  • ensure that they make the employee aware of all the support available such as HELP and HR;
  • ensure that all interventions have been explored, discussed with the employee, and taken forward as appropriate;
  • inform employees when absence causes concern and allow time for improvement;
  • treat every employee fairly and respectfully;
  • treat information regarding employee absence as confidential;
  • seek advice and guidance from HR, as necessary.

General Principles

  • You may be allowed sick absence on full pay, less any social security benefits received, for up to 6 months in any period of 12 months and after that on half pay, up to a maximum of 12 months sick absence in any period of 4 years or less (Occupational Sick Pay - OSP). Any Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) due will be included within OSP.
  • Breaches of your right to confidentiality by any other employee, including your manager, may be treated as a disciplinary matter;
  • Unauthorised absence may, following investigation, be dealt with using the disciplinary process;
  • Annual leave should not be taken instead of sickness absence;
  • When absent from work due to sickness absence, you should not undertake any activity which could impair your recovery, for example participation in sports or other external activities, undertake any other work whether paid or voluntary, or participate in any activity which might aggravate your condition or illness. You should always seek medical advice in advance. If you are found to have participated in an activity which did impair your recovery and this was contrary to medical advice or if medical advice had not be sought in advance, we may withdraw the payment of OSP, or take other appropriate action which could include disciplinary.


Human Resources

HR provides professional advice, guidance, and support to managers and employees on a range of issues that include health and safety, Occupational Health and Welfare Services, and our Employee Wellbeing Programme provider, HELP.

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) - HELP

HELP provides all employees, and their immediate family living within the same household with information, resources and options to address a wide range of issues both at home and at work; including access to a confidential counselling service. The 24 hour confidential helpline number is 0800 032 9849.

Occupational Health Services (OHS)

RoS's Occupational Health provider is contracted by RoS to provide expert occupational health advice. RoS can seek medical advice on matters relating to an employee's health at any time, and up to date expert medical advice will always be sought before RoS makes a decision about how best to go forward.

Trade Union

Employees can seek the advice and support of their Trade Union at any stage.

Approval and review

This policy will be reviewed and approved by the Policy and Practice Group annually, unless earlier review is appropriate.

AuthorHROD Team – ER 
ReviewedHead of People and Change 
Cleared Corporate Director
ApprovalPPG Approval date Existing policy
Policy version Version 1.0
Review responsibilityPolicy and Practice Group Review date April 2022
Publication scheme Yes
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