Customers attending RoS building without an appointment

Published: 06 October 2023
Freedom of information class: About Registers of Scotland

This policy sets out Registers of Scotland (RoS) commitment to support customers in how to use our services if they attend either of the RoS buildings.

1. Purpose and scope

1.1 This policy sets out Registers of Scotland (RoS) commitment to support customers in how to use our services if they attend either of the RoS buildings being Meadowbank House (MBH) and/or St Vincent Plaza (SVP).

1.2 RoS strives to provide excellent customer services to all our customers. We are also committed to providing services that are accessible to all and we will treat all customers fairly and equally.

2. Guiding principles

This policy is guided by 3 principles:

2.1 Being customer focussed: Ensuring that we are delivering excellent service and treating our customers fairly and equally.

2.2 Inclusivity: Allow customers who cannot use our online services to make requests to access our products and services.

2.3 Consistency: Allowing customers who cannot use our online services to receive the same level of excellent service regardless of channel.

3. The Policy

3.1 This policy and supporting process applies to all customers and outlines how we will support them in using our services if they attend one of RoS’ offices without an appointment.

3.2 On attending one of RoS offices without an appointment, a colleague will triage the customer’s request using the framework below.

Face to face customer triage process

4. Roles and responsibilities

4.1 The Customer Services Manager is responsible for the content of this policy, its approval and review. They are responsible for ensuring its implementation in practice and for monitoring this over time. They are responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures and guidelines are maintained and ownership for these assigned appropriately.

5. Approval and review

5.1 This Customers attending RoS buildings without an appointment Policy will be reviewed and approved by Policy and Practice Group at least annually, unless an earlier review is appropriate.

Cleared KC
ApprovalPPG Approval date September 2023
Policy version V1.0 
Review responsibilityCSC Review date September 2024
Suitable for publication Yes