Outcome 1: Publish a finalised Diversity Strategy

Published: 28 April 2023
Freedom of information class: How we deliver functions and services

Publish a finalised Diversity Strategy and develop an action plan, based on colleague feedback, to further improve and support the employment experience of colleagues across all the protected characteristics.

We have completed the key milestones for this outcome. In 2021, we published our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy for 2020-25. We also developed an action plan to support all EDI activity.

Our EDI Strategy sets a clear direction to improve the experiences of our customers and our colleagues. We have committed to authentic, long-term and sustainable action to achieve real change. Human rights are at the core of the strategy.

We have an action plan to improve and support our colleagues' employment experiences which focuses on colleagues who have protected characteristics. Our EDI Steering Group and EDI Colleague Forum worked with our colleague-led equality networks on this.

The EDI Steering Group now oversee the strategy and action plan to ensure we continue to drive them forward. This has led us to carry out a range of activity over the last two years.

Examples of our activity

1. We created an Inclusive Language Guide. This guide aims to support respectful conversations about equity, diversity and inclusion in RoS.

We developed it in partnership with our EDI Colleague Forum. The initial guide was then shared with all colleagues. We asked for feedback and took this on board to create a final version. We will regularly review and update the guide to reflect any changes to language.

2. We prioritised the wellbeing of all colleagues. Investors in People awarded us Gold level accreditation for “We Invest in Wellbeing”.

They assessed three key areas of wellbeing: social, physical and psychological. They noted our commitment to our colleagues' wellbeing and approach to hybrid working. A highlight was the physical support we give all colleagues to enable them to work from home. We have incorporated their recommendations into our engagement action plan.

3. We introduced an Employee Passport to “ensure everyone can have a good day at work”.

Colleagues can use the passport to share anything that may impact their work. This includes health conditions or disabilities, personal circumstances or commitments. The passport supports open and honest conversations between colleagues and their managers. It helps colleagues explain their needs and ask for support. The passport is owned by the colleague and they choose who to share it with.

4. We made it easier for colleagues to request support with digital accessibility needs and specialist equipment for their physical workspaces.

Colleagues can request support directly and in confidence from the Employee Enablement Team. The team work with colleagues to find the best solution for their needs. They also share tools, tips and hints to make our standard equipment and software more accessible.

Our Estates team support colleagues to access any additional equipment they need for their workstations. We provide this for both home and office working. Colleagues put in their own requests and the team will support with equipment to meet their needs. Colleagues who need specialised equipment, have the option to have an individual assessment to identify the support they need.

This ensures that hybrid working is an option for all colleagues.

"The introduction of the EDI Colleague Forum has been wonderful and things are moving at pace, for example our employee passport",

RoS colleague, Equality Network.

Maintaining our mainstreaming

As a result of this outcome, we have an EDI strategy in place until 2025. We have now aligned our new outcomes for 2023 to 2025 to our strategy.

These outcomes will support us to take forward our strategy. We will review our progress against both in 2025.

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