Outcome 2: Supporting colleagues

Published: 28 April 2023
Freedom of information class: How we deliver functions and services

Support colleagues to establish a comprehensive set of colleague networks, including an Inclusion Forum, and support the Equality Impact Assessments of internal policies and procedures.

In the last 2 years, we have completed the core actions against this outcome. We established a set of colleague networks. We also developed a process for equality impact assessments.

Our networks

We offered all colleagues the opportunity to propose ideas for colleague-led equality networks. It was important to us that the networks set up were those that our colleagues wanted. We received three requests and these colleague-led equality networks are now established. Some of our colleagues are members of wider civil service equality networks.

Carers Network

This network is open to all colleagues who identify as a carer.

The network meets to share experiences and support each other. It is a source of knowledge and information, both for the members and colleagues across RoS. They also provide advice and support to managers who are supporting carers.

"Our most important role is to be a group that colleagues can turn to when they are overwhelmed with caring responsibilities."

RoS colleague, Carers Network.

Neurodiversity Network

This network supports colleagues who are neurodiverse, including those with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and Tourette’s Syndrome.

The network is a place for colleagues to engage and support one another. This includes helping new neurodiverse colleagues to settle in to RoS. Colleagues share information, news, events and training. It’s also open to colleagues who have family who are neurodiverse as a channel for information and support.

“It’s important to accept and celebrate differences to help each other thrive and be the best version of ourselves.”

RoS colleague, Neurodiversity Network

Pride Network

The support of this network is open to everyone, not just those who identify as LGBT+.
The network believes that all colleagues should feel safe, supported and comfortable at work, regardless of sexual or romantic orientation or gender identity. They provide peer-to-peer support and share resources. They offer an ear to listen for all colleagues

"There wasn't even a second of hesitation when I asked the Keeper if she would support the establishment of an LGBT+ staff network, and I have no doubt her support played a significant role in our successes. "

RoS colleague, Pride Network

Supporting us as an organisation

Our networks raise awareness and improve understanding of matters affecting carers, neurodiverse individuals and LGBT+ communities.

They also support us by reviewing new policies and resources and inputting to strategy, such as the outcomes in this report.

"The networks are an invaluable asset to bring the EDI strategy to life and assist in delivering real changes that matter. Making colleagues feel include, valued and connected at work can directly enhance performance and happiness in the workplace. This in turn builds loyalty and trust and helps an employer to attract and retain talent. "

RoS colleague, Equality Networks.

Maintaining our mainstreaming

We will continue to support our networks within RoS. This includes supporting new networks that colleagues would value and want to set up.

We have a focus on listening to lived experience in our new outcomes. This provides an opportunity to further engage our colleague-led networks and encourage interaction between them.

In addition, we will continue to embed our new process for Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs). You can read more about our work on this in the case study below.

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