Environmental Policy

Published: 02 October 2024
Freedom of information class: About Registers of Scotland

This policy sets out Registers of Scotland (RoS)’s commitment to address the climate emergency and support the Scottish Government’s aim to be a net zero nation by 2045.

As a public sector organisation, RoS recognises the importance of tackling climate change and we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment through effective sustainable management of our operations and estate. Through staff engagement, the principles of sustainable development are embedded into day to day working practices.

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1  This policy sets out Registers of Scotland (RoS)’s commitment to address the climate emergency and support the Scottish Government’s aim to be a net zero nation by 2045.

1.2  This policy applies to all RoS colleagues and contingent workers.

1.3  Through this policy, we will meet and exceed relevant statutory obligations placed on us by the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019.  This policy also supports the delivery of our Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy and our journey towards net zero.

2. Guiding Principles

2.1  This policy seeks to  minimise our negative environmental, social and economic impacts and maximise positive impacts.  We will do this by embedding sustainability into all decisions that we make, at both a strategic and operational level.

3. The Policy

3.1  We are committed to:

  • Measuring and minimising our carbon footprint
  • Measuring and minimising our use of other natural resources
  • Operating in a manner that supports and encourages the natural diversity of plant and animal life
  • Building resilience to the effects of climate change
  • Striving for continuous improvement

3.2  These aims will be delivered by:

  • Minimising our use of fossil fuels for energy and travel
  • Working with third parties to minimise our indirect carbon emissions
  • Minimising our use of materials and, where possible, re-using, repairing or recycling what we do use
  • Minimising our water consumption
  • Using our outdoor areas for biodiversity-friendly planting and green infrastructure
  • Implementing measures to enable business continuity during extreme weather events
  • Implementing processes to support systematic consideration of these objectives during decision-making
  • Educating and empowering colleagues through digital communications, signage, training, in-person events and other opportunities such as working groups and ‘champion’ roles
  • Using our unique position within Scottish society to encourage and support others to become more sustainable
  • Where appropriate, implementing further policies and procedures to apply these commitments to key areas of organisational activity
  • Conducting regular target-setting, monitoring and reporting to allow us to track progress and target key areas of need and opportunity

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 The Sustainability Team is responsible for the content of this policy, and its  review. They are responsible for ensuring its implementation in practice and for monitoring this over time. They are responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures, guidelines, or standards as are required to support this are maintained and ownership for these assigned appropriately.

4.2  This policy will be made available on our website, to all RoS colleagues contractors, and suppliers.

5. Approval and review

5.1  This policy will be reviewed by the Sustainability Team and approved by the Policy and Practice Group annually, unless earlier review is appropriate.

Author Sustainability and Climate Change Manager
Reviewed Estates
Cleared Corporate Director
Approval Policy & Practice Group Approval date March 2024
Policy versionVersion 2
Review responsibility Sustainability Team Review date March 2025
Publication scheme Yes
Email to contactsustainability@ros.gov.uk

You can find other reports on efforts to combat climate change on our Sustainability page.