Grievance policy

Published: 11 September 2024
Freedom of information class: How we manage our resources

This Grievance Policy and Procedure should be used when raising a formal complaint under the Dignity at Work Policy.

1. Purpose and scope

1.1 RoS is committed to providing a positive working environment where employees are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

1.2 Grievances are concerns, problems, or complaints that members of employees may have at work. RoS recognises that sometimes grievances arise and that employees may need support to resolve them.

1.3 This policy applies to all employees and relates to issues or incidents that have occurred in work or in a work-related situation. It does not apply to those who are no longer working at RoS.

1.4 The policy does not apply to matters collectively agreed with our recognised trade unions.

1.5 This policy should be read in conjunction with the Grievance Procedure.

1.6 This Grievance Policy and procedure should be used when raising a formal complaint under the Dignity at Work Policy.

2. Guiding principles

2.1 Employees and line managers have a responsibility to try to resolve any concerns or issues at work as early as possible through informal discussion. Early informal resolution of problems at work supports positive professional working relationships.

2.2 An employee who has a grievance will be encouraged to identify resolutions, without escalation to the formal procedure where possible.

2.3 Everyone involved in a grievance will be treated fairly and with dignity and respect. Those involved are entitled to be listened to and put forward their points of view.

2.4 All grievances must be raised within three months of the event or series of events that have caused concern or difficulty unless there are exceptional reasons to merit an exception.

2.5 The grievance will be kept as confidential as possible. Information about a case will only be shared with those directly involved or affected. Those involved must not talk about proceedings with anyone else at work other than those assigned to deal with the grievance and any chosen companion.

2.6 HR must be contacted for advice and support where informal resolution is not possible, and the formal procedure is envisaged.

2.7 Employees raising a grievance have the right to be accompanied by RoS’ recognised Trade Union Representative or a workplace companion only, at all stages of the grievance procedure.

2.8 All genuine grievances, raised in good faith, will be dealt with promptly and fairly. Vexatious or trivial complaints will not be considered by the investigating officer.

2.9 Those raising a grievance and those who have given evidence in their support will be protected against victimisation. An allegation of victimisation will be dealt with under the relevant disciplinary procedures.

2.10 An employee will not be protected from the possibility of disciplinary action if a malicious or vexatious complaint is made or supported, or if they give false evidence.

2.11 This Grievance Policy and Procedure comply with the ACAS Code of Practice. Employees have the right to Appeal as set out in the Grievance Procedure.

3. Approval and review

3.1 This policy will be reviewed and approved by the Policy and Practice Group annually, unless earlier review is appropriate.

Author Employee Relations Team
Reviewed Head of People and Change
Cleared People Director
Approval Policy and Practice Group (PPG) Approval date January 2024
Policy version V 2
Review responsibility Policy and Practice Group (PPG) Review date January 2025
Publication scheme Yes
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