Probation policy

Published: 14 October 2024
Freedom of information class: How we manage our resources

Colleagues are required to complete a probation period. They will be trained and given support to settle into their job and by the end of the probation period they must demonstrate a fully satisfactory level of performance, attendance, and conduct.

1. Purpose and scope

1.1 Registers of Scotland (RoS) is committed to helping its new employees settle into the organisation and to succeed in their career with us.

1.2 This policy applies to employees who are required to complete a probation period. This includes:

  • First-time employees to RoS
  • Serving Civil Servants who have successfully gained a new appointment in RoS through a Civil Service Commission or departmental recruitment scheme
  • Colleagues promoted during probation.

1.3 Former established Civil Servants who are re-instated or re-employed may have to complete probation.

1.4 During probation, the Performance capability and Maximising Attendance Procedures do not apply.

2. Key principles

The principles of this policy are outlined below.

2.1 Probation gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to meet the requirements of a role. It also gives you the chance to make sure that the job is right for you.

2.2 Your position will only become permanent following completion of your probation period. Management will confirm when you have completed your probation. You will be notified of this before the end of your probation, and it will be confirmed in writing by HR.

2.3 Probation periods normally last up to one year.

2.4 You will be trained and given support to settle into your job and by the end of the probation period you must demonstrate a fully satisfactory level of performance, attendance, and conduct. Your line manager will help you to access any reasonable adjustments you need to support you in your role.

2.5 During probation, your manager will explain the performance, attendance and conduct standards expected. By the end of the probation period, you must have demonstrated that you have met these expectations.

2.6 At regular intervals of 3, 6 and 9 months, Probation Review Reports on your progress will be completed collaboratively between you, as a new employee, and your line manager.

2.7 If your line manager has any concerns during your probation, they should raise these with you as soon as possible and give you the opportunity to respond. Your line manager must discuss and document any action required by you to address these concerns and agree appropriate support and timescales to achieve them by.

2.8 If you fail to meet the required standards at any time during the probationary period, this may result in your appointment being terminated.

2.9 Your probation may be extended, but this will only happen in exceptional circumstances.

2.10 You have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative at any formal meetings during your employment. This includes review meetings held to address any concerns about your performance, attendance or conduct during your probation.

2.11 In the event you are promoted at RoS during your probation period, you must serve the reminder of your probation period in the new role. If at any point during your promotion period, you are not achieving the standards expected, you may be moved back to your previous graded role and expected to complete any remaining or extended probation period.

3. Roles and responsibilities

The Strategic Workforce Planning Group (SWPG) is responsible for ensuring the policy’s implementation in practice and for monitoring this over time. SWPG is responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures, guidance, or standards as are required to support it are maintained and ownership for these assigned appropriately.

4. Approval and review

4.1 This policy will be reviewed by the Strategic Workforce Planning Group and approved by the Policy and Practice Group annually, unless earlier review is appropriate.

AuthorEmployee Relations Team
ReviewedChief of People
ClearedPeople Director
Approval Policy and Practice Group (PPG)
Approval dateSeptember 2023
Policy version V 2
Review responsibilityStrategic Workforce Planning Group (SWPG)
Review dateSeptember 2024
Suitable for publication Y