Sustainable Procurement Policy

Published: 02 October 2024
Freedom of information class: How we procure goods and services

This policy sets out Registers of Scotland (RoS)’s commitment to undertake procurement supporting the improvement of sustainability and the way it is measured.

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1 This policy sets out Registers of Scotland (RoS)’s commitment to undertake procurement in a way that supports the improvement of sustainability and the way that this is measured.

1.2 This policy applies to all RoS colleagues and contingent workers, and particularly those involved in procurement exercises.

1.3 Through this policy, we will meet and exceed relevant statutory obligations placed on us by the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. This policy also supports the delivery of our Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy and our journey towards net zero.

1.4 Further information is provided in the Procurement Manual, which this policy should be read in conjunction with.

2. Guiding Principles

2.1 Through this policy, we seek to demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility through procurement, meeting needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis, generating benefits to the organisation, society, economy, and the environment.

3. The Policy

3.1 We are committed to minimising negative environmental, social and economic impacts – and maximising positive impacts - associated with the products and services that we purchase. This includes, where possible: minimising use of physical resources, especially those that are non-renewable and polluting; buying fairly traded goods; and promoting public-social partnerships and local economic development via the use of supported businesses, third sector organisations, SMEs and local suppliers.

3.2 We are committed to applying this approach to contracts, which form the majority of our procurement spend. We aim to embed sustainability at all stages of the procurement cycle where possible, covering both new contracts and existing contracts.

3.3 We will routinely apply relevant measures to new regulated procurements (i.e. contracts of £50,000 or over) and, where possible, to new contracts of a lower value.

3.4 We will also apply relevant measures to assess and improve the sustainability of contracts already in place.

3.5 We will strive for continuous improvement in new and existing contracts by working with suppliers to respond to new opportunities as they arise throughout the life of contracts.

3.6 We will support these aims by using the various tools, techniques, methodologies and resources available to us.

3.6 To monitor progress and inform future action, we will use the Scottish Government’s Flexible Framework Assessment Tool on an annual basis.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 The Procurement Team and Sustainability Team are jointly responsible for co-ordinating the development, review and approval of this policy. The Procurement Team play the lead role in overseeing the implementation of the policy and any associated procedures, with the Sustainability Team being consulted on all relevant matters. The Procurement Team is also responsible for ensuring that other colleagues who have a role to play in procurement understand how to deliver the aims of this policy.

4.2 This policy will be made available on our website, to all RoS colleagues contractors, and suppliers.

5. Approval and Review

5.1 This policy will be reviewed by the Sustainability Team and Procurement Team and approved by the Policy and Practice Group annually, unless earlier review is appropriate.

AuthorSustainability and Climate Change Manager
Cleared Corporate Director
Approval Policy & Practice Group Approval date December 2023
Policy versionV 3
Review responsibilitySustainability Team Review date December 2024
Publication scheme Yes
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