Country of origin company report

Published: 26 March 2024

Details of registered titles owned by or leased to companies outside of the UK.

Statistics for all owner/tenant types, not just companies, on the country of origin of property owners and tenants in Scotland are also available in the Country of Origin report.

Use this report to find details of identifiable Land Register of Scotland titles where the registered legal owner or commercial tenant of a property is a company that has provided a non-UK address.

The report does not include titles where there is a mixture of ownership, such as titles owned by both a company and an individual.

The report currently contains about 3000 titles.

For each title it includes the:

  • title number
  • company name and address
  • country or territory of incorporation
  • postal address or description of the property
  • land class (for applications received after 30 November 1999)
  • date the owner was registered
  • date of entry
  • interest, either ownership or tenancy
  • price paid, or purchase information.

We publish the report in Excel spreadsheet format once a year showing details as at 31 December.

This dataset is available free of charge under licence to users.

E-mail to enquire about the country of origin company report.