See our Publications page for data released following Freedom of Information requests.
We offer the following data services under Open Government Licence.
RoS cadastral parcels download service
This dataset is a subset of the Cadastral Map and contains the location of ownership polygons at ground level in Scotland.
UK House Price Index
This monthly report covers all market value residential property sales in the UK.
House price statistics
We hold monthly, quarterly and annual statistical data dating back to April 2003 as well as our longer-term view of the housing market in our property market report.
Small area statistics
We publish small area statistics based on a range of geographies on the Scottish Government’s open data platform.
Land and property titles by country of origin
A report providing statistics on the country of origin of property owners and tenants in Scotland.
We offer the following, based on an individual address or postcode search, via our ScotLIS service:
- Title number
- Address
- Last purchase price
- Last purchase date
- Historical prices
- Indicative map view
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