Register of the Cachet Seal

The Register of the Cachet Seal contains details of royal warrants that have been authenticated with the Cachet Seal, a silver facsimile of the monarch's signature supplied by the Royal Mint.

The keeper holds this register in her capacity as Deputy Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland.

The Cachet Seal was established by an Act of the Privy Council in 1603 after James VI’s move to London following the Union of the Crowns. The seal was kept in Scotland and used in place of the king's signature. This avoided the need to send documents to London for signing.

Today, the Cachet Seal is used on royal warrants concerning the issue of a gift to the King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer in Scotland of property that has fallen to the Crown as ultimate heir or ownerless goods, such as the assets of dissolved companies.


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