Board papers - February 2020

Published: 10 June 2020
Freedom of information class:

Our board papers for February 2020.

If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.

RoS Board agenda

RoS Board Agenda - 25 February 2020

November board minutes

Board minute - November 2019

Action log

A summary of the ongoing RoS Board actions.

Risk update

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS Board with a summary extract of the latest EMT update to the Key Risk Register (KRR) 2019-24.

The paper supports the board in fulfilling its role to provide strategic advice to the Keeper for its focus on setting a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed.

RoS Board KRR Paper Feb 2020

RoS framework document

The purpose of this paper is to seek RoS Board approval of a revised RoS Framework Document to reflect the changes required following the reclassification of RoS by the Office of National Statistics.

Framework document review

Revised framework document

Review of KPI data

An update for the board detailing progress against our KPIs, outlining what the target is and when it is due to be achieved.

KPI dashboard poster 

Financial delegations

The paper covers the statutory authority for the keeper making payments that are legally required in the exercise of her functions.

It sets out how the financial authority is delegated throughout RoS and the relevant limits that apply.

Financial delegations 2020

Transparency project update

This paper has been drafted to provide the RoS board with an update on activity, to date, of the Transparency Project; outlining key achievements, work still to be done and next steps.

Board Transparency Update

Transparency Timeline

Invest in our people

This paper has been prepared to outline the approach of the Invest in Our People Deep Dive session with the Board.

It includes an overview of the session structure, questions for the Board to consider in advance, and pre-reading material.

Board People Deep Dive

RoS values

RoS People Strategy

RoS CSPS results summary 2019

Governance risk discussion tracker

A paper for the RoS Board, detailing risk discussions that have taken place at the Board and Audit and Risk Committee meetings from 2019 to date, ensuring all risks are discussed appropriately.

Corporate Risk Governance Discussion Tracker

Board minutes - February 2020

The minutes for this meeting are now available.