Register of Deeds now accepts deeds signed with qualified electronic signatures (QES)

Published: 27 September 2022

From 1 October 2022, the Register of Deeds will be open to electronic documents signed by qualified electronic signature (QES) (subject to limited exceptions).

There will be an online form for this new service, which will also be available from the 1 October, through which you will only be able to upload electronic documents signed with QES.

From November you will be able to submit mixed format deeds. If you have a single application that comprises a collection of both wet ink and QES signed documents (such as missives or counterpart documents), you must submit the QES signed document first and you will be able to print a confirmation page to submit by post with the wet ink signed document.

Learn more

A demonstration video of the new application form can be found on our Register of Deeds page.

Further information can also be found on our knowledge base.