Fee review 2020

Published: 22 January 2021
Freedom of information class: How we take decisions

A consultation on our proposals to vary statutory fees.


  1. Foreword from the Keeper
  2. Fees overview
  3. Consultation paper
  4. Published responses
  5. RoS response to consultation
  6. Fairer Scotland Duty statement
  7. Draft RoS(Fees) Amendment Order 2021
  8. Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment
  9. Island Communities Impact Assessment (PDF - 2.4MB)
  10. Equality Impact Assessment Record (PDF - 5MB)
  11. Children’s Rights and Welfare Impact Assessment (PDF - 1.4MB)

If you would like any of the PDF downloads in an alternative format, you can contact us with your preferences.

Ways to respond

This consultation has now closed.

