Fee review 2020 - Fees overview

An overview of our new fees which will change on 1 April 2021.

The Land Register and the Register of Sasines

Consideration paid or value


Voluntary registration fee

Not exceeding 50,000 80 60
Not exceeding 100,000 140 110
Not exceeding 150,000 260 200
Not exceeding 200,000 400 300
Not exceeding 300,000 530 400
Not exceeding 500,000 660 500
Not exceeding 700,000 800 600
Not exceeding 1,000,000 930 700
Not exceeding 2,000,000 1,100 830
Not exceeding 3,000,000 3,300 2,480
Not exceeding 5,000,000 5,500 4,130
Exceeding 5,000,000 8,250 6,190

Heritable securities

Fee for each title sheet affected: £80

Fee for each title sheet affected, using Digital Discharge Service:  £60

Rejection and withdrawal fee

For each application, there will be no fee.

Advance notice

Fee for each advance notice or discharge of an advance notice: £20

Dual registration application

Fee: £80

Additional fee for each title sheet, other than the first affected by the application and for each deed recorded: £80

The Chancery and Judicial Registers


Product or service


Register of Inhibitions For each document £25
Register of Deeds and Probative Writs in the Books of Council and Session For each document (including first extract) £20
Register of Protests For each document (including first extract) £20
Register of Judgments For each document (including first extract) £20
Register of the Great Seal For a charter of incorporation £260
For a Commission £640
Register of the Cachet Seal For each impression £40
Register of the Quarter Seal For each gift of ultimus haeres or bona vacantia £140
All When a document is being registered, an additional extract or plain copy requested at the date of the application for registration £20 plus VAT
None For each certificate issued under the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 £40*

Fees for access to a register under the management and control of the Keeper and information made available by the Keeper


Product or service


Land Register and Register of Sasines Search conducted by the Keeper on behalf of a person over one full address including postcode, per result (including one plain copy), including nil return £30 plus VAT
All registers under the management and control of the Keeper Search conducted by a person through the Registers of Scotland online system (including one title sheet) £3 plus VAT
Registers under the management and control of the Keeper (under exception on the Land Register and Register of Sasines) Request for inspection of a register in respect of one entry (including response) £30 plus VAT
Land Register Extract of:
  • Title sheet and part of the cadastral map
  • Title sheet
  • Part of a title sheet
  • Part of cadastral map
  • Document from the archive record
  • Part of document from the archive record
  • Application
  • Advance notice
  • Document in the application record
  • Part of document in application record
Certified copy of:
  • Application
  • Advance notice
  • Document in the application record
  • Part of document in application record
£35 plus VAT
Land Register Plain copy of:
  • Title sheet and part of the cadastral map
  • Title sheet
  • Part of a title sheet
  • Part of cadastral map
  • Document from the archive record
  • Part of document from the archive record
  • Application
  • Advance notice
  • Document in the application record
  • Part of document in application record

£25 plus VAT

Register of Sasines Extract of recorded deed £35 plus VAT
Register of Sasines Plain copy of recorded deed £25 plus VAT
Register of Judgments, Register of Deeds and Register of Protests Extract of registered deed £35 plus VAT
Register of Inhibitions, Register of Judgments, Register of Deeds and Register of Protests Plain copy of registered deed £25 plus VAT
Crofting Register
  • Office copy of a registration schedule of a   croft, common grazing or land held runrig
  • Information provided by the Keeper regarding the   suitability of an applicant’s map for registration purposes in the Crofting   Register
£35 plus VAT
Crofting Register
  • Plain copy of a registration schedule of a croft,   common grazing or land held runrig
  • Copy of an Ordnance Survey map supplied for the   purpose of registration in the Crofting Register
£25 plus VAT
Register of Community Interests in Land
  • Extract of registration
  • Plan (colour)
£35 plus VAT
Register of Community Interests in Land
  • Plain copy of registration
  • Plan (black and white)
£25 plus VAT


Fee for each application to make an entry in a title sheet where the court has granted warrant to place, renew, restrict, recall or discharge a caveat: £80

Applications to vary warranty

Fee for each request: £80

Recording by memorandum in the Register of Sasines

Fee for each writ: £80

Other deeds

Fee for each title sheet affected or deed recorded: £80

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