Corporate plan 2020-2025

Published: 01 April 2020
Freedom of information class: How we deliver functions and services

Download our most recent corporate plan.


Corporate plan 2020-2025 - (4.7 MB)

Every year we publish a corporate plan for the coming five years. Our most recent plan runs from 2020 - 2025.

We review the plan at least every six months.

This corporate business plan was profiled, written and agreed prior to the launch of measures to counteract the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Following a six month review we will now be revising some of our KPIs.

Due, in part, to the impact of the public health emergency we have not achieved the targets we set out in relation to tackling the arrear and will be tracking some new indicators over the remainder of this financial year 2020/21.

We will continue to improve on how we handle applications with the aim of almost all being registered within 35 days of arrival with RoS (there may be some exceptions agreed with applicants).

By the end of March 2021, we expect to be able to turn around 60% of all types of cases within 35 days. We will track and publish progress on this indicator for each of DWs, FRs and TPs.

We plan to clear all 2017 FR cases and the majority of 2017 TP cases by March 2021.

You can read more about our progress to date in the latest KPI update.