KPI update July - Sept 2020

Published: 10 November 2020
Freedom of information class: How we deliver functions and services

An update on our key performance indicators for the second quarter of 2020.

In our Corporate Business Plan 2020-2025, we outlined our four strategic objectives and identified a series of key performance indicators (KPIs) that would act as targets to ensure we achieve them.

We are committed to being transparent and will be sharing our progress against our KPIs outlining what the target is and when it is due to be achieved on a quarterly basis.

The following targets were set as part of our corporate planning progress and agreed before the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can find out more about plans to revise our current KPIs based on our most recent six-month review of the corporate plan.

Objective one: Complete Scotland's land register by 2024

Our aim is to reach 50% of land mass on the register by March 2021.

We will do this by clearing the arrear and completing all public sector registration where detail is provided.

We aim to clear the arrear by ensuring we process all new applications within service standard while implementing smarter ways of working.

Objective one KPIs - July to September 2020
Performance indicator Current totalTargetProgress
Land register completion 42.8% 44.6% Approaching target
No first registration arrear by September 2020 (excluding Cat B applications) 35,978 (excluding Cat Bs) 5,321 Behind target

Cat B applications

A Cat B is an application to register a deed affecting part of registered title where the registered title does not form part of a development. Current Cat Bs and associated cases in arrear are 15,260.

Objective two: Lead on the innovative provision of land and property data

To meet our applications quality target we will:

  • improve our data
  • identify new products and data reports
  • offer customers greater accessibility to information we hold
Objective two KPI - July to September 2020
Performance indicatorTotalTargetProgress
Applications quality 91.8% 93% Approaching target

Objective three: Develop and deliver digital improvements

To continue to meet this target we will provide faster and more secure digital tools where appropriate.

Objective three KPI - July to September 2020
Performance indicatorTotalTargetProgress
Customer satisfaction 85.7% 80%  Ahead of target  

Objective four: Invest in our people

To improve employee engagement, we are aiming to build a workforce of enabled employees that are experienced and forward looking.

Objective four KPI - July to September 2020
Performance indicatorTargetProgress
Improve employee engagement Over 59% Approaching target

The annual Civil Service People Survey takes place each October across the civil service.

Additional staff surveys taken in year indicate positive engagement is being maintained across the organisation.

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