Board papers - December 2023
Published: 26 March 2024Freedom of information class:
RoS board papers for December 2023.
The minutes for this meeting are now available.
If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.
RoS board agenda
Agenda items to be taken in private
September 2023 board minutes
Action log
A summary of the ongoing RoS board actions
Key Risk Register & Annual Risk Management Policy review
To advise on the Key Risk Register and note the Business Continuity Policy, supporting the Keeper to maintain a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed.
Key Risk Register and annual risk management policy review
Audit & Risk Committee minutes (08 August 2023)
Audit & Risk Committee minutes August 2023
Supporting services reform
To outline the work being undertaken to better understand how Registers of Scotland’s enabling functions/corporate services are set up to serve operational and customer facing services. The outputs from this work will allow relevant areas to continue to ensure these aspects of the business are fit for purpose and are adaptable to reflect the evolving nature of our operational services and move towards the future vision for RoS.
Governance risk discussion tracker
To provide sight of risk discussions that have taken place at the Board and Audit and Risk Committee meetings, ensuring all risks are discussed appropriately.
Governance risk discussion tracker
Civil Service People Survey results
To outline the data collection activities carried out through the We Invest in Wellbeing staged review and the annual Civil Service People Survey (CSPS), including initial thoughts around some of the data already available, and outlining the next steps RoS will take once all the data has been received and analysed.
Civil Service People Survey and We Invest in People results
Procurement annual report
As required under section 18 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (“the Act”), a contracting authority must publish an Annual Procurement Report. The content of this report covers all regulated procurements completed during the period 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 and details how those procurements supported the objectives included within the organisations Procurement Strategy.
Annual procurement report 2022-2023
Board dates 2024
To advise board members of the 2024 board meeting dates as diarised and confirm locations.