Board minutes and papers - September 2024
Published: 24 January 2024Freedom of information class: How we take decisions
Board minutes and papers for September 2024.
Table of contents
- Introduction, apologies, and declaration of interests
- Agenda items to be taken in private
- Minute of the previous meeting
- Action log
- Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) annual report
- Deloitte update - 2023-24 Draft Annual Audit Report
- Annual report and accounts (ARA) 2023/24 (near final)
- Audit and risk committee quarterly update
- Performance monitoring
- Key Risk Register (KRR) reporting by exception risk landscape around open casework
- Tenant charging update
- Geovation overview
- Proposed approach to section 107/name search
- People and change critical path
- Diversity and inclusion update
- Board effectiveness pulse survey results
- Board terms of reference
- Papers for noting
- Items to be delegated to ARC
- Day 1 board observer feedback
- Open board discussion
- Prioritisation matrix update
- DDAT pay framework proposal
- Interim Operating Model (IOM)/Target Operating Model (TOM) update
- Assumptions for 2030 workshop
- Year 4 delivery planning
- Day 2 board observer feedback
- Date of next meeting
- Board papers
RoS board, minute of meeting
09 and 10 September 2024
Meadowbank House, Edinburgh.
Chair | Jennifer Henderson, Keeper of the Registers of Scotland |
Present | Chris Kerr, Director of Policy and Corporate Services and AO Martin Burns, Director of Digital, Data and Technology * David Blair, Director for Customer and Business Development Tracy Mcintyre, Director of People and Operational Services Mhairi Kennedy, Non-Executive Director Andrew Harvey, Non-Executive Director/ARC Chair ** Andrew Miller, Non-Executive Director Asim Muhammad, Non-Executive Director Elaine Melrose, Non-Executive Director 8 Mhairi Kennedy, Non-Executive Director Neil Mackay, Non-Executive Director * Day 2 only ** Via Teams |
In attendance | Chief Finance Officer (HB) Head of Communications and Engagement (NRH) Deloitte Audit Director (PK) – items 1 - 8 Deloitte Senior Manager (LM) – items 1 – 8 Senior Benefits Analyst (BI) – items 10 - 11 Head of Finance - Financial Management and Finance Business Partnering (AB) – items 10 - 11 Head of Enterprise Risk Management (CI) – item 11 Head of Risk and Information Governance (AR) – item 11 Head of Innovation and Geovation Scotland (LD) – item 13 Head of Corporate Development (FM) – items 30 - 32 |
Secretariat | Head of Secretariat (LM) Senior Executive Assistant to the EMT (SG) (observer) |
Apologies | Martin Burns, Director of Digital, Data and Technology * |
Introduction, apologies and declaration of interests
1. The Keeper welcomed attendees to the September Board meeting and extended a warm welcome to Neil Mackay, Non-Executive Director and Tracy Mcintyre, Director of People and Operational Services at their first meeting as Board members. A warm welcome was also extended to the Senior Executive Assistant to the EMT who was observing the meeting as part of her Secretariat induction and to Andrew Harvey, who was joining the meeting remotely via Teams. Round table introductions took place.
2. No declarations of interest were made.
3. Apologies were received as above.
4. David Blair, Director for Customer and Business Development, was designated as the Board observer.
Agenda items to be taken in private
5. The Board agreed the transparency recommendations detailed within the paper.
Minute of the previous meeting
6. The minutes of the Board meeting of 11 June 2024 were agreed as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
Action log
7. The Board agreed that the following actions are now complete and can be closed
as proposed:
6205, 6445, 6446, 6447, 6448, 6449, 6451, 6452, 6453, 6454, 6455, 6456.
8. Further to action 6205, the Board noted that an Estates project update would be presented to the December 2024 Board and an Estates Strategy update presented to the March 2025 Board meeting.
Board secretary to add Estates project update to the December 2024 Board agenda and Estates Strategy update to the March 2025 Board agenda.
9. The Board agreed that the following actions are ongoing and should remain open:
6325, 6450.
Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) annual report
10. The ARC Chair presented the ARC Annual Report to the Board.
11. The Board noted that three ARC members would be departing the RoS ARC in October following the end of their second term and a recruitment campaign had successfully identified three new ARC members, who shadowed the ARC in August 2024 and will officially take office from November 2024, as well as an ARC Chair designate, who would take on the role of ARC Chair in October 2025 following the end of the current Chair’s final term. The Board were reassured to hear that thorough handover plans are in place.
12. The Board noted the areas reviewed by internal audit over the last year, and the associated assurance levels.
13. The Board noted that there has been good cooperation and teamwork between RoS and Deloitte during the year end external audit work and thanks were given to the RoS finance team for all their hard work in this area.
14. The Board noted the deep dives that had taken place at ARC across the year.
15. The Board noted that the ARC has six-monthly private sessions between the Committee and both internal and external auditors, in line with the SG handbook recommendations and these meetings are working well and proving beneficial to all.
16. The Board noted the paper as drafted and the Chair thanked the ARC Chair for the update.
Deloitte update - 2023-24 draft annual audit report
17. The Keeper invited the Deloitte Audit Director to introduce the paper. The Board heard that Deloitte had provided a comprehensive update to ARC at the last meeting, highlighting the successful completion of the second-year audit and the intention to sign an unmodified audit opinion later in the month. The board noted that the work on significant audit risks was found to be satisfactory.
18. The wider scope audit, which included financial management, sustainability, leadership, and governance, yielded very positive results. The Deloitte Audit Director commended the quality of the ARA, noting it as one of the best examples of leading practice in Scotland.
19. The Deloitte Senior Manager addressed a few outstanding matters, such as the clarity of remuneration and pension numbers and post-balance sheet events, which are undergoing a three-step check process before the ARA can be signed. The Board also noted the work ongoing to improve the fixed asset register. The Board was reassured to learn that there were no issues of concern, just areas where ongoing improvements could be made.
20. The Board discussed the turnover in the finance team and the future stability of the team and were reassured by the Deloitte Senior Manager that turnover is not concerning unless the entire team changes. The Board noted that RoS are actively recruiting to fill current gaps and work is ongoing to reduce reliance on key individuals for tasks.
21. The Board noted the commentary from the Accounts Commission in relation to the quality of the financial voice around strategic decisions in local government. The Board agreed this was equally important in central government bodies and therefore important to ensure RoS has the right input into decisions being made, both in year and longer term.
22. The Board expressed their satisfaction with the quality and accessibility of the ARA, acknowledging the efforts of the communications and finance teams, Deloitte and all those who have been involved.
Annual report and accounts (ARA) 2023/24 (near final)
23. The Board noted that the delayed pension data had now been received and the final checks were taking place. The ARA is on track to be signed on 25 September and is expected to be laid in parliament on 07 October and published externally thereafter.
24. The Board expressed an interest in understanding how the pensions for RoS staff are accounted for and it was agreed that the Chief Finance Officer would write a short note to describe how pensions work for colleagues at RoS.
Chief Finance Officer to write a short note to the Board to describe how pensions work for colleagues at RoS.
25. The Board were content for the ARA to be signed off on 25 September assuming the final checks were completed to the auditor's satisfaction. The Chair advised that she would write to NXDs outwith committee to provide an update if any issues are identified during the final checks.
26. The Board expressed their thanks to the Finance colleagues for their hard work to support the auditors, particular thanks were given to the lead Financial Accountant for her support in this respect. The Boards thanks were also extended to the Communications Manager for the well written report and to Deloitte for their input throughout the process.
Audit and Risk Committee quarterly update
27. The ARC Chair presented the ARC Quarterly Update to the Board.
28. The Board noted the latest internal audit findings and noted that all actions from previous audits have been completed in full.
29. The Board expressed an interest in the recent IR35 audit and the Chair encouraged NXD members to let her know if they would like to see a copy of the outcome and we can arrange to share accordingly.
30. The Chair highlighted that the Board would have an opportunity to meet the newly appointed ARC members at the long-term planning workshop in January, however, in the meantime the Chair took an action to share the biographies for the new ARC members with Board members for awareness.
Chair to share the Biographies of the newly appointed ARC members with the Board for interest.
31. The Board noted the paper as drafted and the Chair thanked the ARC Chair for the update.
Performance monitoring
32. The Chair welcomed the Senior Benefits Analyst and Head of Finance (Financial Management and Finance Business Partnering) to the meeting and invited the Board to discuss the exception reporting.
33. The Board highlighted the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of tools mentioned in reports, such as the workforce analysis tool, and understanding their impact.
34. The Board highlighted the risks associated with automation, noting a potential optimism bias in planning and the need for management intervention to address emerging challenges. The Board noted the strategic importance of automation in responding to market fluctuations and the need to free up resources for clearing the long-standing open casework. The Board were supportive of the long-term benefits of automation despite short-term challenges, however noted that work was ongoing to ensure certainty around benefit realisation and ensuring the benefits will land in time to impact our trajectory. It was agreed that the Director for Digital, Data and Technology and Director of Policy and Corporate Services should circulate an update on automation outwith committee and arrange a call with Board NXDs to discuss further and seek advice if required.
Director of Digital, Data and Technology and Director of Policy and Corporate Services should circulate an update on automation and benefit realisation outwith committee and arrange a call with Board NXDs to discuss and seek further advice if required.
35. The Board highlighted the importance of understanding the ratio between colleagues delivering front line services vs colleagues enabling that.
36. The Board discussed engagement and noted the activities that comms are undertaking in order to increase participation in the CSPS survey which is launching in September.
37. The Board noted the contract renewals and agreed that more narrative is required around the high value and strategic contracts in future reporting as it is not currently clear which contracts the Board might be asked for advice on.
38. The Chair thanked the Board for the useful discussion.
Key Risk Register (KRR) reporting by exception and risk landscape around open casework
39. The Keeper welcomed the Head of Enterprise Risk Management and the Head of Risk and Information Governance to the meeting.
40. The Board agreed that the Head of Enterprise Risk Management and the Head of Risk and Information Governance should be invited to join the performance monitoring slot for future Boards and the Senior Benefits Analyst and Head of Finance (Financial Management and Finance Business Partnering) should attend the KRR slots going forward.
Board Secretary to ensure the Head of Enterprise Risk Management and the Head of Risk and Information Governance are invited to join the performance monitoring slot for future Boards and the Senior Benefits Analyst and Head of Finance (Financial Management and Finance Business Partnering) are invited to attend the KRR slots going forward.
41. The Board highlighted the need to maintain an independent view on risk and ensure that issues identified from a risk perspective are linked to performance reports. The Head of Enterprise Risk Managementsuggested that there may be an opportunity to link performance updates with key risk indicators to support this requirement.
42. The Board noted that Neil Mackay, newly appointed Non-Executive Director, would receive a fuller overview of the key risk register and controls in place as part of his induction process.
43. The Board agreed that potential pension and national insurance changes should be factored in alongside the fee review work that is ongoing.
44. The Board noted that risks 3 and 4 would be transferred to the Director of People and Operational Services for ownership.
45. The Board praised the Head of Enterprise Risk Management and the Head of Risk and Information Governance for their informative report, recognising it as one of the best risk reports that the non-executive directors have encountered in their various capacities.
46. The Chair thanked the Head of Enterprise Risk Management and the Head of Risk and Information Governance for the updates.
Tenant charging update
47. The Director of Policy and Corporate Services provided an update on tenant charging. The board noted that there are 5 tenants in SVP with a desk based arrangement and 2 tenants in MBH, each occupying their own wing of the building. The Board noted that all tenants share a percentage of the building rates and other associated running costs.
48. The Board noted that any future estate options would be explored further alongside the Estates Strategy work that is ongoing.
Geovation overview
49. The Board noted the Geovation overview paper as drafted and participated in a networking lunch with the latest cohort.
50. Board members were encouraged to reach out to the Director for Customer and Business Development directly if they wished to be connected to any of the founders for the purpose of following up.
Proposed approach to section 107/name search
51. The Director of Policy and Corporate Services provided an update on the challenges faced and sought Board advice on the matter.
52. The Board welcomed the paper and were supportive of the desire to resolve the challenges outlined, including the use of technical solutions where required. The Board emphasised the need to engage with current customers early on, and advised that potential future customers of RoS should also be considered when evaluating any solution.
53. The Chair thanked the Board for the helpful advice.
People and change critical path
54. The Chair welcomed the Chief People Officer, who introduced the paper.
55. The Board highlighted the challenge of matching skills and experience with the projected number of retirees and potentially surplus staff, and it was noted that the strategic workforce planning work was ongoing to better understand this by mapping out who is expected to leave, how many and from what areas of the business.
56. The Board noted that RoS has recruited a new Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) lead, who is leading on a strategy and an action plan. The Board noted that efforts are being made to market the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to underrepresented communities and analyse recruitment data to ensure proportional representation.
57. The Board noted the number of initiatives in the critical path and asked what the top three items were to drive desired outcomes and noted that engagement, strategic workforce planning and productivity were the top three priorities, and the Board were supportive of this view.
58. The Board questioned the cost of achieving IIP Platinum and the associated value and noted that RoS were striving to be a high performing organisation and the IIP platinum framework provides a good framework around what that looks like. The Board stressed that we are striving to be a high performing organisation and IIP Platinum status may follow from that, however it is not something we should be striving to achieve as an end in itself.
59. The Board highlighted the challenges of reskilling for automation and suggested that the need for a team of AI experts to maintain digital systems should be kept in mind.
60. The Board discussed the number of initiatives on the critical path and suggested it was a long and ambitious list. The Board stressed the need to prioritise this list and focus on the deliverables that will provide the biggest impact first. It was agreed that the Chief People Officer and Director of People and Operational Services would create a prioritised critical path and bring this back to the Board for further input.
Chief People Officer and Director of People and Operational Services to create a prioritised people and change critical path and bring this back to the Board for further input.
61. The Board discussed the importance of maintaining high engagement through change, however, noted that it may not be possible to incrementally improve the engagement score achieved in the CSPS because of the rate and scale of change we are anticipating over the coming years. The Board agreed that it would be unwise to continue to raise an increasingly stretching KPI for engagement within the Corporate Plan during this time.
62. The Board discussed the importance of effective change management practices and the need for a psychological approach to help people through change. The Board noted that the OD team are currently working with other change disciplines to articulate RoS’ cohesive approach to change and to map the resources, expectations and governance relating to change.
63. The Board thanked the Chief People Officer for the informative paper and update and looked forward to receiving further updates in due course.
Diversity and inclusion update
64. The Chair presented the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) update. The Board noted that an NXD representative attends the D&I Steering Group meetings by rotation and all NXDs were supportive of this role. It was agreed that the Board Secretary should send NXDs a reminder of the D&I Steering Group meeting dates and NXD representatives.
Board Secretary to send NXDs a reminder of the D&I Steering Group meeting dates and NXD representatives.
65. The Board noted that quarterly colleague voice sessions were taking place, led by the RoS D&I lead, which engages with individuals from various protective characteristics to discuss barriers to progression and support needed. The sessions aim to create a safe space for conversation and are expected to result in clear actions.
66. The Board suggested having champions at the executive team level linked to each protective characteristic to maintain ongoing conversations and take targeted actions. The EMT agreed to consider this further.
EMT to consider having champions at the executive team level linked to each protective characteristic to maintain ongoing conversations and take targeted actions.
67. The Board noted that the Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) results can be analysed by protective characteristic, which showed varying levels of engagement last year. It was noted that the reasons behind these sentiments are being explored through colleague voice sessions.
68. The Board highlighted that there appears to be a shift in the tone and focus of the conversation at RoS, with a refreshed and credible approach to D&I that is relevant to everyone in the organisation, and the early stages of this renewed effort have shown strong signals of commitment.
69. The Board were encouraged to challenge the approach to D&I across all aspects of the organisation, not just people-focused papers.
70. The Chair thanked the board for the helpful discussion and highlighted that the D&I Lead will provide a further update on the D&I agenda to the Board at a future date.
Board effectiveness pulse survey results
71. The Chair presented the paper and Board members were in agreement for the areas identified for improvement.
72. The Board reviewed the areas for consideration and the Chair highlighted that she was not minded to extend all Board meetings over 2 days at this time, although this will be kept under review if it becomes apparent that more discussion time is needed.
73. The Board noted we would work to do more forward planning of Board agendas and to give the Board early sight of strategic contracts. The Chair and Director of Policy and Corporate Services agreed to revise the strategic contract board reports to improve presentation and timeliness for Board input.
Board Chair and Director of Policy and Corporate Services to revise the strategic contract board reports to improve presentation and timeliness for Board input.
74. The Board noted that the tier 2 governance groups would have a responsibility to forward plan their agendas to consider what areas they feel they would like Board advice on strategic topics and discuss these with the Keeper for her to consider for inclusion in future Board agendas.
75. The Board noted the Chair’s key focus areas for the year ahead. Continued professional development was raised and the Keeper advised that NXDs should let her know if there are any areas they feel they wish to develop in order to provide good advice.
76. The Board discussed benchmarking and noted the opportunities for benchmarking, such as the five registries meetings, registrars of title conference, CSI results and the cabinet office benchmarking exercise that is ongoing.
77. The Chair thanked everyone for the helpful discussion and agreed that a forward look at the Board agendas for 2025 will be brought to the December meeting for discussion.
Board Secretary to create a board agenda planner for 2025 and present it at the 2024 Board meeting for noting.
Board terms of reference
78. The Board agreed the terms of reference as drafted and noted that Neil Mackay is joining the Board early as the NXD who will replace Andrew Miller when his term comes to an end in September 2025 and Dónall Curtin will replace Andrew Harvey as ARC Chair and Board NXD when his term comes to an end in September2025. The Board noted that an activity would take place to update the skills matrix following the appointment of the new ARC and Board members.
Board Secretary to arrange for the skills matrix to be updated following the appointment of the new Board and ARC members.
Papers for noting
79. The Board noted the following papers:
- Governance Risk Discussion Tracker
- Long Term Planning Workshop Backbrief
- Cyber Exercise Update
- Q1 Gartner Update
- WIIP Report & Executive Summary 2024.
80. The Board agreed that the cyber exercise outcome should be added to the Board agenda at the appropriate time.
Board Secretary to add the cyber exercise outcome to the Board agenda at the appropriate time.
Items to be delegated to ARC
81. The Board did not delegate anything to ARC as a result of the day 1 conversations. On day 2 it was agreed that the prioritisation matrix work should be delegated to ARC for a deep dive in 6+ months’ time to provide some independent assurance that decisions on spending have been made via a process that is fit for purpose.
ARC Chair to add prioritisation matrix to the ARC deep dive agenda planner, with a view to providing some assurance in 6+ months’ time that decisions on spending have been made via a process that is fit for purpose.
Day 1 board observer feedback
82. The Chair invited the David Blair, Director for Customer and Business Development to provide Board observer feedback following the conclusion of discussions.
83. The Board observer highlighted that the Chair’s running narrative was helpful for linking dense papers and improving comprehension. The NXD contribution was robust, with a strong focus on financial sustainability.
84. The presence of external auditors was beneficial, providing illuminating observations and answers. It was agreed that the Chief Finance Officer should follow up with Deloitte to see if there are any examples of organisations who are doing something better than us in a certain area, to see if we can learn from their experiences.
Chief Finance Officer to follow up with Deloitte to see if there are any examples of organisations who are doing something better than us in a certain area, to see if we can learn from their experiences.
85. It was highlighted that the page limit for board papers was not strictly adhered to, and this is an area for ongoing improvement.
86. The Keeper thanked the Board observer for the helpful feedback.
Open board discussion
87. The Keeper welcomed everyone to day 2 of the September Board and introduced the unstructured discussion slot to allow free-flow of conversation on items outwith the formal agenda that are of interest to members. The Board discussed the following topics:
- NXD inclusion in the circulation of updates of any RoS media coverage
- NXD Secure Access to Information
- SG Budget Constraints
- Engagement with NRS
- Public Service Reform Update
- RoS Office Space Utilisation
The following actions arose from these discussions:
Director of Digital, Data and Technology to send a short survey to NXDs to seek individual requirements when accessing papers.
Keeper and Director for Policy and Corporate Services agreed to update Neil Mackay on the discussions that have been ongoing with National Records of Scotland around potential opportunities.
Keeper to keep the Board informed of the outcome of the Cabinet Office Corporate Function Benchmarking Exercise.
Prioritisation matrix update
88. The Chair invited the Director for Digital, Data and Technology to provide an update on the Prioritisation Update.
89. The Board questioned the wording around the ‘investment backlog’ and suggested this was updated to something more appropriate, such as ‘shovel ready projects’, suggesting that this was a more positive way to frame those investments which were ready to go but had not yet been allocated funding.
90. The Board referred to the earlier conversation around the People and Change critical path and suggested that this matrix may be helpful to overlay and determine what is truly critical within that path.
91. The Board suggested keeping business cases for small initiatives simple and agile, suggesting that the scoring criteria should prioritise strategic goals like revenue increase while also considering customer satisfaction improvements.
92. The Board highlighted the importance of balancing low-risk and high-risk initiatives to maximise benefits, and the Accountable Officer agreed to consider how many high-risk initiatives we would be comfortable running concurrently.
Accountable Officer to consider how many high-risk initiatives RoS would be comfortable running concurrently to support the decision making alongside the Prioritisation matrix.
93. The Board stressed the importance of ensuring any Prioritisation also considers delivery capacity and the impact on functions (people, process and systems).
94. The Board emphasised the necessity of clearly defining when RoS should prioritise spending on BAU enhancements to maintain system stability, instead of focusing on changes. They also stressed the importance of shared ownership and comprehension of these decisions.
95. The Board agreed that the matrix should be used without delay and suggested it would be helpful for the Audit and Risk Committee to do a deep dive into the prioritisation matrix at the appropriate time, to ensure there is independent assurance that the decisions being made through the process are fit for purpose.
Audit and Risk Committee Chair to schedule a deep dive on the prioritisation matrix at the appropriate time, to provide independent assurance that the decisions being made through the process are fit for purpose.
96. The Chair thanked the Board for the useful feedback and highlighted that a further update on the delivery plan for how to apply this model would be brought back at an appropriate time.
DDAT pay framework proposal
97. The Chair invited the Director for Digital, Data and Technology to provide an update on the DDAT pay framework proposal.
98. The Board noted the significant reliance on contractors for the development and delivery of RoS digital services, highlighting the need to address this issue due to the associated costs and risks, as well as the potential for internal colleague development.
99. The Board noted that there is a desire to eventually limit the use of contingent workers to use them only to support short-term project and change work. The next phase of this initiative is expected to be more challenging, involving job evaluation, salary proposals, and engagement with the Scottish Government (SG) pay policy, however, the Board acknowledged that it presents a substantial opportunity for driving efficiencies and cost savings.
100. The Board cautioned that the three-month timetable outlined may be ambitious and noted that this timetable is for the exploration stage only with a view to presenting a proposed approach to SG and the RoS Board, including proposed phasing, necessary skills and a view on which roles should not be targeted for permanent recruitment.
101. The Board discussed the financial implications of the proposed changes and noted the possibility that there may be an increase in the permanent staff bill before any cost savings are realised. The importance of socialising the journey with SG colleagues was emphasised, and it was noted that discussions with SG have been positive so far. It was agreed that the Keeper and Accountable Officer should consider how to engage further with SG on this matter.
Keeper and Accountable Officer to consider how to engage further with SG on the proposed DDAT pay framework for RoS.
102. The Board raised concerns about the ability to deploy the agreed changes successfully and at pace without disrupting wider delivery plan achievements. The Board heard that it was important to deploy quickly and successfully to ensure the value materialises and assurances were provided that this could be delivered alongside the other deliverables. The Board noted that an update on deployment approach, key items for delivery in year 4 and associated risks and mitigations would be brought to the December Board, to seek the Boards assurance that we can deliver.
DDAT pay framework to be brought to the December Board meeting, including numbers expected, initial deployment plans, key items for delivery in year 4 and associated risks and mitigations.
103. The Chair thanked the Board for the helpful discussion, highlighting that it had surfaced some risks that were known but not yet fully scaled. It was noted that any proposal would be ran past the Board before being discussed formally outwith RoS. The Chair also highlighted the importance of considering unintended consequences and to ensure the story is framed in relation to the workforce as a whole.
Interim Operating Model (IOM)/Target Operating Model (TOM) update
104. The Director for Customer and Business Development introduced the paper. The Board emphasised the importance of identifying non-negotiable elements as the organization moves into the Target Operating Model (TOM) phase. This helps avoid unnecessary discussions and ensures focus on critical changes.
105. The Board highlighted the need to link the overall organisational strategy with the operating model, ensuring strategic alignment and recognising new strategic elements.
106. The Board stressed the importance of proving the efficiency of the corporate core and suggested mirroring the language used in Cabinet Office surveys to ensure our frontline delivery is understood.
107. The Board emphasised that the target operating model should prioritise our customers and colleagues, and it should be made clear to all that that RoS will continually grow, develop, and evolve through ongoing improvement and any target is not an end state.
108. The Board noted that colleagues would be invited to participate in the assumptions work that is ongoing, which should signal that change is coming and work is ongoing with our communications team around optimum timings for engagement.
109. The Board agreed there was a need to explicitly capture non-workforce costs, such as licenses and cloud services, in the target operating costs.
110. The Board welcomed the regular updates on this subject matter and Board NXDs were open to being approached outwith committee for further discussions if it was helpful.
111. The Chair thanked the Board for the useful discussion.
Assumptions for 2030 workshop
112. The Board participated in an assumptions for 2030 workshop. The Head of Corporate Development presented slides that summarised the results of the Microsoft Forms survey that Board colleagues had been asked to complete in advance. It was agreed that these slides would be shared with the Board following the meeting.
Head of Corporate Development to share the Assumptions for 2030 results slides with the Board outwith committee.
113. The Board discussed the areas where there was a difference of opinions on the Assumptions for 2030 and provided feedback on the reasonings for these opinions. The Chair and Head of Corporate Development agreed to digest the feedback received and create an updated set of assumptions, which will be presented back to the Board for visibility.
114. The Chair thanked the Board for their participation in the workshop and the helpful feedback received.
Year 4 delivery planning
115. The Director of Policy and Corporate Services introduced the paper and high-level reflections were requested with a view to any fuller feedback being fed in at the upcoming 1:1s between EMT and NXDs.
116. The Board emphasised the importance of not overcommitting and ensuring that the delivery plans and scope were well-defined. The Board also highlighted the need to focus on existing services before considering new ones and to ensure customer needs were at the centre of all decision making.
117. The Board questioned whether the items presented had gone through the Prioritisation matrix and suggested that this should take place before committing.
118. The Board agreed that more granular detail is required when presenting the next iteration in December, including what’s happening with the grow our own initiative, ensuring automation initiatives add benefits and what we are trying to achieve around customer enquiry management improvements.
119. The Board agreed that the year 4 plan should clearly articulate that RoS is an organisation that is driving operational efficiencies.
120. The Board highlighted that the year 4 plan should reference a sense of getting ready for the future and the work that is ongoing in the business development area to prepare for that.
121. The Board highlighted the need for transparency in the planning stages and the importance of risk assurance and the Chair agreed that she would create a timetable detailing the steps that will be taken to finalise the plan ahead of 1st April, including when the plan will be presented for discussion at formal meetings and the work that will go on outwith meetings. The Board noted that the risk workshop in January would offer an opportunity to put a risk lens over the year 4 delivery plan.
Board Chair to draft a timetable for the creation of the year 4 delivery plan, including when it will be presented at formal meetings for discussion and agreement and what action will be taken outwith meetings.
122. The Board stressed the importance of ensuring the assumptions are built into the financial modelling.
123. The Board highlighted that measuring best value going forward will be valuable and this should be written into the year 4 delivery plan where possible.
124. The Board agreed that some further consideration was required around the wording around maintaining stability, highlighting that it could suggest that RoS are unstable, which is not the case.
125. The Chair thanked the Board for the helpful steer and highlighted that the next iteration of the plan would be presented at the December Board.
Day 2 board observer feedback
126. The Chair invited the David Blair, Director for Customer and Business Development to provide Board observer feedback following the conclusion of day 2 discussions.
127. The Board observer noted that the second day covered numerous topics and found the conversations regarding the DDAT paper especially enlightening.
128. The Keeper thanked the Board observer for the helpful feedback.
129. The Keeper thanked all attendees for their participation across the last couple of days.
130. The Head of Secretariat and Governance was thanked, as the Chair noted that this was her last Board meeting before maternity leave. The Chair mentioned that updates on maternity cover would be provided after the backfill process is completed.
Date of next meeting
131. The Board noted that the next Board meeting will take place on 10 December 2024 at St Vincents Plaza, Glasgow.
Board papers September 2024
If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.
- 0.-Agenda-Sept-2024.pdf - (PDF file, 184.6 KB)
- 02.-Transparency-Info-Items-to-be-taken-in-private.pdf - (PDF file, 224.3 KB)
- 04.-Action-Log.pdf - (PDF file, 601.0 KB)
- 06.-Deloitte-Update-2023-24-Draft-Annual-Report.pdf - (PDF file, 3.6 MB)
- 07.-Annual-Report-and-Accounts-202324.pdf - (PDF file, 151.6 KB)
- 08.1.-ARC-Minute-14-May-2024.pdf - (PDF file, 237.8 KB)
- 11.-KRR-by-Exception-and-Risk-Landscape-Around-Open-Casework-September-2024.pdf - (PDF file, 382.6 KB)
- 13.-Geovation-Scotland-Overview-Board-Paper-Sept-2024.pdf - (PDF file, 156.2 KB)
- 13.1.-Annex-A-Geovation-Scotland-development-figures-by-cohort-Sept-24.pdf - (PDF file, 212.6 KB)
- 16.-People-and-Change-Critical-Path.pdf - (PDF file, 1.5 MB)
- 17.-Diversity-and-Inclusion-Update.pdf - (PDF file, 124.3 KB)
- 19.-Board-Effectiveness-Review-Results.pdf - (PDF file, 138.5 KB)
- 20.-Board-Terms-of-Reference.pdf - (PDF file, 107.6 KB)
- 20.1-DRAFT-RoS-Board-Terms-of-Reference-Sept-2024.pdf - (PDF file, 129.8 KB)
- 21.1.-Corporate-Risk-Governance-Discussion-Tracker-24-25.pdf - (PDF file, 1.2 MB)
- 27.-Prioritisation-Matrix-Update.pdf - (PDF file, 731.2 KB)