Outcome 3: Becoming more accessible and inclusive

Published: 28 April 2023
Freedom of information class: How we deliver functions and services

We will be a more inclusive and accessible organisation, guided by lived experience of protected groups.


What evidence informed this outcome?
Colleagues noted a need for networks to influence our activity more effectively Evidence highlights that protected groups often have poorer experiences of employment Colleague surveys suggest differences in experiences of those with protected characteristics, particularly disabled colleagues. We need to consult with colleagues to understand the reasons for this
What do we need to address?
We want to listen to protected groups and better understand their needs and experiences We want to learn from lived experience to keep making our workplace more inclusive and our services more accessible
How will it support us to meet our duties and purpose?
Public Sector Equality Duty
Eliminate discrimination
Advance equality of opportunity
Foster good relations
Protected characteristics
Age, disability, gender reassignment,
pregnancy & maternity, race, religion & belief, sex, sexual orientation
RoS Values
Customer focused
RoS Corporate Plan
Objective 4: Inspiring our People
Objective 5: Effective, Efficient and Future Focused

RoS EDI Strategy
Colleague engagement


What will we do or change to achieve the outcome?
Develop an approach to capturing lived experience that considers those being consulted and makes best use of the information Support our equality networks and forums to effectively influence the design and delivery of our internal and external work Identify opportunities for other colleagues and external stakeholders to share their lived experience and help shape how we do things Keep building the confidence and capability of our colleagues to deliver an accessible and inclusive service to customers
Where will we see the impact of our activity?
We will have a greater understanding of lived experience and people willing to engage with us We will have more engagement with our networks. We will have taken action based on their input We will understand the lived experience of those with protected characteristics not covered by networks Our customers will be able to access our services more easily and will be satisfied with their experience
When should we start to see the impact?
Up to
6 months
6 months to
1 year
1 year to
18 months
Up to
2 years
How will we measure it?
Approach document and record of learning Number of engagements and actions progressed Number of engagements and equality factors covered Customer feedback


Our Equality Networks and colleagues across RoS with protected characteristics
Customer Experience Team
External partners

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