Outcome 3: Raise awareness of EDI issues

Published: 28 April 2023
Freedom of information class: How we deliver functions and services

Raise awareness of EDI issues through development of a comprehensive communications programme.

Over the last two years, we have shared a wide range of EDI-related communications covering all protected characteristics.

Our communications have celebrated diversity, raised awareness and signposted colleagues to resources. To increase impact, we aligned these communications to national and international campaigns.

We update customers, stakeholders and citizens through our external communications. Our post for International Women’s Day in 2022 got the highest social media engagement of all other RoS communications.

Examples of our communications

  • Zero Discrimination Day
  • Dementia Awareness
  • Disability Pride Month
  • Pride Month
  • Carer’s Week
  • International Non-Binary People's Day

Senior leaders have also contributed to our programme of EDI communications. This has been critical in emphasising the importance of EDI in RoS.

EDI podcast

Our podcasts look at the importance of EDI in the workplace and explores our own progress. Our latest podcast featured both the Keeper and one of our Non-Executive Directors.

Ramadan Blog

In 2022, one of our Non-Executive Directors, shared what Ramadan means to him. He highlighted how managers can support colleagues who are celebrating Ramadan.

Maintaining our mainstreaming

EDI is now a core theme in our programme of communications. We will develop a calendar of key awareness days to plan EDI communications across the year.

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