Registration fraud guidance

What is registration fraud?

Registration fraud describes all fraudulent activity in any of the registers that Registers of Scotland (RoS) maintain. Our experience has shown that it is very uncommon.

As fraud is ever evolving, the methods used by fraudsters may also change over time.  We keep our anti-fraud measures up to date, through internal review and working with external parties.

What can I do if I believe that I have been a victim of fraud?

If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud, you should report this to the police.

We cannot report this on your behalf and cannot provide legal advice.

How can RoS help me if I have been a victim of fraud?

If you are a victim of fraud we can provide you with:

  • copy of deeds
  • application forms
  • information in relation to your title, for a fee

This information can help you, your solicitor, and the police.

You can access title information online using ScotLIS.

Useful contact details

You can:

If you would like more information, email us at:

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