Board papers - November 2020

Published: 24 March 2021
Freedom of information class:

Board papers for November 2020

Our board papers for November 2020.

The minutes for this meeting are now available.

If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.

RoS board agenda

RoS board agenda - November 2020

August board minutes

Board minutes - August 2020

Action log

A summary of the ongoing RoS board actions.

Audit and Risk Committee minutes

Audit and Risk Committee minutes - October 2020

Land register completion update

This presentation provides the board with the background to the work being scoped to ‘unlock sasines’ and increase the velocity at which we are able to unlock the benefits of a completed land register (whilst simultaneously pushing forward with 100% completion in the longer term to 2024).

It demonstrates the value of this work and the process with which we believe we can undertake it. It provides our thinking to date and outlines a high-level plan for the forthcoming months to the end of the financial year 2020/20201.

LRC update

Arrear clearing plan

This paper provides an update on operational KPIs and the impact of Covid 19 and lockdown on same. It provides proposed new operational KPIs and associated background material.

It contains a high level analysis of stakeholder views on the impact of the registration arrear and the plans to tackle it, as well as an outline of the approach to keeping stakeholders informed as to progress.

Arrear clearing plan

Key performance indicator data

KPI update October - December 2020

Key risk update

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS board with an update on the Key Risk Register (KRR) and assurance framework 2020-25 following EMT and Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) reviews and continuous Key Risk Owner (KRO) reviews.

The paper supports the board in fulfilling its role to provide strategic advice to the Keeper for its focus on setting a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed.

KRR paper November 2020

Annex 1B

Annex 1C

Future board meeting proposal

The purpose of this paper is to share the sequencing of Board meetings and Keepers updates to Non-Executive Directors for 2021 and beyond.

Future board meeting proposal

Governance risk discussion tracker

The purpose of this paper is to provide the RoS Board with sight of risk discussions that have taken place at the Board and Audit and Risk Committee meetings for the financial year 2020 - 2021, ensuring all risks are discussed appropriately.

Governance risk discussion tracker

Transparency transition to BAU

This paper provides an update to our Executive Management Team on the proposed high-level plan for taking forward outstanding actions from the transparency project.

Transparency transition to BAU

Board effectiveness review action plan

The purpose of this paper is to share the actions taken as a result of the board effectiveness review survey, carried out in June 2020.

Board effectiveness review