Board papers - June 2021

Published: 06 October 2021
Freedom of information class:

Board papers for June 2021.

Our board papers for June 2021.

The minutes for this meeting are now available.

If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.

RoS board agenda

Ros Board agenda - June 2021

Action log

A summary of the ongoing RoS Board actions.

2024 principles

The purpose of this paper is to outline the proposed high-level principles that will be used as an initial filter on any ideas or requests for potential products and services; and to seek Board feedback on the principles

2024 principles

Review of KPI data

Latest KPI data

People dashboard and insights report

The purpose of this paper is to present the Board with relevant people data and analysis in order to provide regular insight as to the composition, engagement, talent management and productivity of RoS’ workforce.

People Dashboard and Insight Report June 2021

Risk update

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS Board with an update on the Key Risk Register (KRR) following EMT and Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) reviews and continuous Key Risk Owner (KRO) reviews. The paper supports the board in fulfilling its role to provide strategic advice to the Keeper for its focus on setting a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed.

Key risk register

Health and safety annual report 2020/21

This is the annual Health and Safety report for Registers of Scotland (RoS). The report covers the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.  The overall purpose of the annual health and safety report is to give colleagues and stakeholders an understanding of health and safety arrangements at RoS and provide assurances on the adequacy of health and safety measures in place.

Health and safety annual report 

Audit and risk committee minutes (February 2021)

Audit and risk committee minutes

Annual report and accounts

Annual report

Board effectiveness review proposal

In accordance with the RoS Board terms of reference, this paper proposes to conduct an annual assessment of performance as a board, with the intention of continuously improving effectiveness.  This paper includes the proposed survey for completion.

Board effectiveness review proposal

Board evaluation questionnaire

Governance risk discussion tracker

The purpose of this paper is to provide the RoS Board with sight of risk discussions that have taken place at the Board and Audit and Risk Committee meetings for the financial year 2020 - 2021, ensuring all risks are discussed appropriately.

Corporate Risk Governance Discussion Tracker 20-21

Data strategy workshop back brief

For over 400 years, data in all its forms has underpinned RoS core purpose of Registration. As the needs of our citizens change, RoS needs a collaborative, concise and transparent data strategy to help safely deliver those needs. This paper provides a back brief of the discussions had around RoS Data Strategy at the March Board.

Data strategy back brief 

People workshop back brief

The purpose of this paper is to provide a back brief of the People Workshop at the RoS Board session in March. It will describe how the advice of the Board has been translated within the delivery plans for the People & Change function in support of performance improvement for the organisation.

People workshop back brief

Customer satisfaction

This paper provides an update on the customer satisfaction survey result captured in Q4 2021. This survey was conducted across the top 400 firms that do business with RoS. The Customer Satisfaction score has risen from 88% to 90%, exceeding our KPI 80% benchmark.

Customer satisfaction survey