Board Papers June 2022

Published: 10 October 2022
Freedom of information class:

RoS board papers June 2022

The minutes for this meeting are now available.

If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.

RoS Board Agenda

RoS board agenda -  June 2022

Agenda items to be taken in private

March 2022 Board Minutes

Ros Board minutes - March 2022

Action Log

A summary of the ongoing RoS Board actions.

Strategic Workforce Plan

This paper provides an update on the progress of the strategic workforce plan (SWP) and the creation of the SWP project.

Strategic Workforce Plan

Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

This purpose of this paper is to provide the Board with an overview of Stakeholder Engagement activity, including outlining our key stakeholder groups, the channels we use to engage with them, and the action we take as a result of their feedback.  It aims to provide the board with assurance that Stakeholder Engagement activity is adequately resourced and managed.

Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Data Strategy

For over 400 years, data in all its forms has underpinned RoS core purpose of Registration. A concise data strategy will help RoS safely deliver for citizens’ changing needs. This paper provides an enabling strategy, setting RoS up for future data demands, all aligned to our corporate goals. It is aligned to five provisional data principles and is delivered in three prioritised areas.

  • Core: machine readable data driving automation and new products,
  • Customer: Automated, streamlined governed data products & services and in parallel
  • Corporate: improved insights through automated self-service analytics and consultancy services

RoS Board June  2022 Data Strategy

Draft Annual Report and Accounts

This paper asked Registers of Scotland Board members to discuss feedback on the initial draft of the Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22.

Annual Report and Accounts

Annual Compensation Update

To update RoS Board on the payment of compensation by Registers of Scotland in the financial year 2021-22.

Annual compensation update 21-22

Health & Safety Annual Report

This paper reflects the Health and Safety position of RoS between 2021/22. The paper reflects on the achievements and measures that have been put in place during 2021/22. The paper also reflects on any significant changes that have been made during 2021/22 to the built environment. This paper also states the Health and Safety Policy to which it adheres to.

Health and Safety Annual Report

Audit & Risk Committee Minutes (08 February 2022)

Audit and Risk Committee minutes February 2022

Risk Reporting by Exception

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS Board with an update on the Key Risk Register (KRR) following EMT and Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) reviews, continuous Key Risk Owner (KRO) reviews and the annual risk workshop. The paper provides the board with an opportunity to comment on a draft business continuity policy. The paper supports the board in fulfilling its role to provide strategic advice to the Keeper for its focus on setting a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed.

KRR Board paper June 2022

Board Effectiveness Review Proposal

The purpose of this paper is to seek Board views on the proposed Board effectiveness review survey, which takes place annually in line with our RoS Board terms of reference

Board Evaluation Questionnaire covering paper

Board Evaluation Questionnaire

Governance Risk Discussion Tracker

The purpose of this paper is to provide the RoS Board with sight of risk discussions that have taken place at the Board and Audit and Risk Committee meetings for the financial year 2021-2022, ensuring all risks are discussed appropriately.

Governance Risk Discussion Tracker

EDI Steering Group Update

The purpose of this paper is to update the Board on progress made with developing and implementing EDI work within RoS to deliver on its aspirations to be an equal, diverse and inclusive organisation.

EDI RoS board paper June 2022

Annex A  (PDF 152 KB)

Annex B (Powerpoint  3,420 KB)

Annex C (PDF  110KB)