Taking forward our approach to diversity and inclusion

Published: 11 December 2023
Freedom of information class:

Our diversity and inclusion action plan is critical to taking forward this strategy.

The plan captures all actions to advance diversity and inclusion across the organisation. We will develop the actions in partnership with the colleagues who will be responsible for their delivery.

This will ensure shared ownership for our diversity and inclusion agenda, including input from our Trade Union, PCS.

There are two key enablers that will help us to effectively take forward our diversity and inclusion agenda.

  • A co-ordinated structure of D&I groups that bring our people together so that we can direct and deliver our agenda and support our colleagues
  • Continual education to build the knowledge, understanding and ability of our colleagues to progress diversity and inclusion

Accurate and robust data will also enable this work, in relation to tracking our progress and measuring our impact.

Our people

Every colleague in RoS has a role to play in advancing diversity and inclusion and we have developed a Diversity and Inclusion Structure to support this. Our structure is designed to cover four key elements of taking forward our diversity and inclusion agenda:

  • Leading – our Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group and our Executive Management Team provide leadership and direction for the agenda
  • Delivering – our Diversity and Inclusion Delivery Group is responsible for developing and taking forward our action plan
  • Listening – our Diversity and Inclusion Colleague Forum provides the ‘voice of RoS’ and we engage with this group to better understand the needs of our colleagues
  • Supporting – our colleague-led networks, focused on specific equality factors, provide peer support, as well as advice and guidance for allies and the organisation on how best to support them

Our structure is intended to connect those with responsibility for diversity and inclusion to all colleagues across RoS. This includes senior leadership, colleagues with lived experience, allies and all those who work for RoS.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Ecosystem

diagram showing our diversity and inclusion ecosystem


We will continue to ensure that our colleagues have the learning they need to understand, and support, the needs of those with protected characteristics.

Education is also key to equipping our colleagues to effectively contribute to the groups in our Diversity and Inclusion Structure and our overall agenda. We will increase knowledge and understanding of the practical strategies and actions that can meet the needs of equality groups.

We will also support our colleagues with any professional development they need to contribute effectively to their group. This may include their confidence to discuss inequality, share and listen to lived experience and provide effective peer support.

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