Smoking Policy

Published: 27 June 2017
Freedom of information class: How we manage our resources

Details of smoking policy


Registers of Scotland (RoS) recognises that the health, safety and welfare of employees, sub-contractors are of prime importance. RoS has therefore developed and enforces a dedicated smoking policy, conforming to the requirements of the Smoking Health and Social Care [Scotland] Act 2005, Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006, Smoke-free (Exemptions and Vehicles) Regulations 2007, Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations 2007, and other related legislation.

This policy is applicable to all employees at whatever level of RoS' hierarchy, as well as sub-contractors who undertake activities on behalf of RoS and any visitors to RoS' premises. This policy and its mandatory application are communicated to all employees, sub-contractors, visitors and interested parties.

As part of RoS' induction process, new entrants are told about this policy and shown where it is located in the RoS staff handbook and on the RoS intranet. Human Resources are responsible for informing job applicants of this policy. Employees are responsible for informing their visitors to the premises of this policy.

Prohibition on Smoking

For the sake of the health of everyone in RoS, including visitors, you are not permitted to smoke on RoS premises other than in the designated smoking shelter at the end of the East Wing in MBH car park.

Staff are not permitted to leave the office to take a smoking break as part of a tea break or at any other time apart from when they are swiped out from the FWH system.

Electronic Cigarettes

For the purposes of this policy, the use of electronic cigarettes is to be regarded in the same way as tobacco cigarettes i.e. they are not permitted to be used on RoS premises other than in a designated area. The use of electronic cigarettes may be unsettling to other employees – particularly those who are trying to give up smoking or have recently done so – and their use may be misinterpreted and/or cause alarm.

RoS Estates Team will advise any member of staff who wishes to use electronic cigarettes of a suitable location.


You are also not permitted to smoke in RoS vehicles.


RoS states smoking is prohibited on its premises and these signs are located at all entrances to all our buildings. RoS also displays signs that make it clear that smoking is prohibited in all it’s vehicles.

Assistance for employees to give up smoking

RoS has sought to deal with the concerns of smokers in a sympathetic and reasonable manner. Ultimately, however, the policy on smoking is a condition of service with which staff are required to comply. Counselling programmes may be available and anyone interested should contact HR.


Any infringement of these rules by an employee may result in appropriate disciplinary action which will be dealt with in accordance with the RoS disciplinary procedure.

Employees are also reminded that it is a criminal offence for employees to smoke in smoke-free areas, with a fixed penalty of £50 or prosecution and a fine of up to £200, as detailed in the Smoking Health and Social Care [Scotland] Act 2005.

Visitors who are smoking in smoke-free areas should be reminded of the no-smoking signs and asked to stop. If a visitor continues to smoke, employees should explain that the visitor is committing a criminal offence - if the visitor still refuses to stop smoking, staff should ask the visitor to leave the premises and, where relevant, direct him/her to where he/she can smoke.

Maintaining this policy

RoS will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and its general compliance within the organisation.

This policy will be kept up to date and amended accordingly to reflect any legislative changes and applicable standards and guidelines.

This policy is fully supported by the RoS Management Board. In support of this intent, the policy will be reviewed at least annually.