Our house price statistics include all residential sales in Scotland, and are based on date of registration.
They are produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics.
These statistics come from the land register. They date back to April 2003, when the last of Scotland's counties joined the land register.
Our house price statistics are distinct from the UK House Price Index. Read our Knowledge Base guidance notes and comparison page for more information.
Please note, from August 2024 mean price calculations will no longer be limited to sales between £20,000 and £1,000,000. The full series has been revised back to 2003-04. A comparison graph can be found at the bottom of this page.
The arithmetic mean calculation is sensitive to outliers therefore the small number of sales with a very high price tend to make the average higher than what might be thought of as a "typical" house price. The median on the other hand is more stable, in the sense that it is less influenced by outliers. The median house price provides a better indication of the "typical" house price as it divides sales into two equal groups, half with a house price above the median, and half with a price below the median.
We are currently reviewing these statistics, please let us know if you make use of them by emailing anne.macdonald@ros.gov.uk
Latest data
- Monthly house price statistics: July 2024 XLSX, 529.23 KB
Please note, mean prices are now calculated using all market value sales. The layout of the data has also been simplified to reduce the number of tables while containing the same information as previous. We welcome any feedback on these changes, please contact Garreth.Jones@ros.gov.uk.
The data shows:
- Median, mean, volume and value of all residential market value property sales by local authority: Scotland, since April 2003, monthly data
- Additional coronavirus analysis: Mean residential property price based on actual residential property sales in each month by local authority: Scotland, April 2020, May 2020 and June 2020
- Volume of residential property sales: Scotland, since April 2017, monthly data
View visualisations of our monthly statistics
Upcoming release dates
Our monthly statistics are published on the first working day of the month.
Latest data
- Quarter 1: April to June 2024 XLSX, 275.04 KB
Please note, mean prices are now calculated using all market value sales. The layout of the data has been simplified to reduce the number of tables while containing the same information as previous. We welcome any feedback on these changes, please contact Garreth.Jones@ros.gov.uk.
The data shows:
Quarterly data since 2003-04 Q1
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential properties by local authority: Scotland
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential property by 3, 6 & 8 Fold Urban Rural Classification: Scotland, since April 2016
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential property sales by new build status: Scotland, since April 2003
- Quartiles(lower, median and upper) for Scotland, since April 2003
- Deciles for Scotland, since April 2003
- Volume of residential property sales by house price band: Scotland
Upcoming release dates
Our quarterly statistics are published at 9.30am on the first working day in the second month after quarter end.
Data for | Publication date |
July 2024 – September 2024 | 1st November 2024 |
Latest data
- Calendar year statistics: 2004 to 2023 (updated 2024/25 Q1) XLSX, 1024.61 KB
Please note, mean prices are now calculated using all market value sales. The layout of the data has been simplified to reduce the number of tables while containing the same information as previous. We welcome any feedback on these changes, please contact Garreth.Jones@ros.gov.uk.
The data shows calendar year data:
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential property by local authority: Scotland, 2004 to 2023
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential property by house type: local authority, 2004 to 2023
- Mean price, median price, and volume of residential property by local authority and 3, 6 & 8 fold urban rural classification : local authority, 2016 to 2023
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of new build residential property price: local authority, 2004 to 2023
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential property price by funding status: local authority, 2004 to 2023
- Mean price, median price, volume and value of residential property by Scottish island region, 2004 to 2023
- Quartiles(lower, median and upper) for local authority 2023
- Quartiles(lower, median and upper) for Scotland, 2004 to 2023
- Deciles for Scotland, 2004 to 2023
- Volume of residential property sales by house price band: local authority, 2004 to 2023
Upcoming release dates
Our calendar year statistics are revised quarterly at 9.30am on the first working day in the second month after quarter end.
Data for | Publication date |
2023 | 1st November 2024 |
We publish small area statistics on the Scottish Government’s open data platform.
The statistics include all market value sales in Scotland, based on the date of registration with Registers of Scotland.
Areas with less than 5 sales have had the value of sales suppressed to help minimise the risk of data disclosure and to ensure that any averages presented are based on at least 5 records.
This dataset includes information on Residential Property transactions by the following geographies and statistics:
- Scotland (Country)
- Local Authority
- Health Board
- Electoral Ward
- Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies
- 2011 Intermediate Data Zone
- 2011 Data Zone
- Scottish island region
- Number of sales
- Price – Mean
- Price – Median
- Price – Lower Quartile
- Price – Upper Quartile
This data was extracted at a point in time, June 2024. An additional year’s data will be added on an annual basis in the following year.
For the most up to date Scotland and Local Authority data please see our monthly statistics above.
If you need help to navigate the open data platform please see the help section.
The property market report is published annually. It looks back at the Scottish property market since 2003-04.
Latest data
Previous reports
- 2022-23 - report (PDF, 720.37 KB) / data tables (XLSX, 454.59 KB)
- 2021-22 - report (PDF, 1143.52 KB) / data tables (XLSX, 405.75 KB)
- 2020-21 - report (PDF, 5382.64 KB)/ data tables (XLSX, 481.45 KB)
- 2019-2020 - report (pdf, 6.1MB / data tables (xls, 461KB)
- 2018-2019 - report (pdf, 5MB) / data tables (xls, 673KB)
- 2017-2018 - report (pdf, 660KB) / data tables (xlsx, 817KB)
- 2007-2017 (pdf, 660KB)
- 2006-2016 (pdf, 1.6MB)
- 2005-2015 (pdf, 1.8MB)
These statistics are not included in our regular releases.
Residential property sales in Scottish Island regions(2023)
UK parliamentary constituency house price statistics 2004-2018 (xlsx, 135KB)
Feedback on our data and statistics
We are seeking feedback on our data and statistics from users to help us improve our work. The Scottish Government have set up a survey for users of Scottish official statistics to provide feedback and suggestions on statistics products.
Provide us with feedback on any of our statistics publications
User feedback survey
In Summer 2019, we ran a user feedback survey on the data and statistics we publish.
We are seeking feedback on our property data and statistics from users to help us improve our work. Please contact us at data@ros.gov.uk with any comments.
Changes to arithmetic mean calculation. Removing price limits of £20k - £1million.
From August 2024 mean price calculations will no longer be limited to sales between £20,000 and £1,000,000. The full series has been revised back to 2003-04. The graph below shows the arithmetic means for Scotland with and without consideration limits.
Whilst the impact of this change is relatively small at Scotland level, there will be some larger differences at local authority level when the price limits are removed.