Key performance indicators

Key Performance indicators (KPIs) measure how we're performing against our 5 strategic objectives.

We are committed to being transparent and share our progress on a quarterly basis. You can read the strategic objectives and related KPIs used to measure progress in our Corporate Plan.

The following are the latest progress updates for the last quarter.

January to March 2024

Objective 1: Deliver the benefits of a completed land register

Objective 2: Deliver more benefits to Scotland by providing innovative land and property data

Objective 3: Develop and deliver digital improvements that support a sustainable business where the needs of our customers are fully satisfied

Objective 4: Inspire our people to adapt, grow and innovate to empower a thriving, and inclusive organisation

Objective 5: Be an effective, efficient, and future focussed delivery organisation

You can read our previous updates against these objectives.

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