Property help service

Our specialist team can help if you can't find the land or property you're searching for.

If after searching the land register you can't find the property you are looking for, but have the postal address, you can fill in our property help form featured on searching the land register.

If you are searching without a postal address, you can use our land title investigation service.

Business account holders

If you hold a business account you can order a search through our online services.

Land register

If we find the property you are looking for in the land register, we will email you a link so you can purchase the title sheet for £3 + VAT.

Sasine register

You can search the land register to determine what register a property is on.

If the addressable property is in the sasine register, you can submit a request via our property help form on ScotLIS.

The cost is £30 + VAT per property.

You will receive a copy of the properties search sheet which provides information on:

  • current and historical owners
  • a chronological list of recorded deeds that affect the property

Application record

The application record provides details of applications against a title number for which the registration process is not yet complete.

It shows:

  • the date and status of the application
  • consideration paid
  • title number
  • applicant name
  • granter name
  • property address
  • deed type

The Service Level Agreement responses to our property help service is two working days.

Purchasing supporting documents

There will be an additional fee of £25 plus VAT for each supporting document purchased. This fee is set by legislation.

This includes:

  • a search sheet which is a chronological list of deeds recorded against a property or area of land in the sasine register
  • a plain copy of any deed recorded in the sasine register, registered in the land register or pending registration

Reasons for purchasing additional documents:

  • looking to establish boundaries
  • need documented proof of ownership

Not all boundary deeds come with plans and they may only describe the boundaries of ownership.

You can order a deed through our copy deeds service.

You can get help tracing the history of buildings from National Records of Scotland.

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