Breakdown of completed cases by days

Turnaround times of completed applications by working days.

December 2024

This table shows all applications despatched in the reporting month broken down by the number of working days they took to complete. This includes land register, sasines and advanced notice applications.

TimescaleDespatchedDespatched % Cumulative despatched %
0 to 2 days30,56773.8%73.8%
3 to 5 days4,45410.8%84.6%
6 to 20 days1,8654.5%89.1%
21 to 35 days9442.3%91.4%
36  to 6 months4671.1%92.5%
over 6 months3,1117.5% 100%
Total41,408 100% 100%

100% is an indication of all the cases that were dispatched  this month.

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