Board papers - March 2021

Published: 23 June 2021
Freedom of information class:

Board papers for March 2021.

Our board papers for March 2021.

The minutes for this meeting are now available.

If you would like any of these papers in an accessible format, contact us with your preferences.

RoS Board Agenda

RoS Board agenda - March 2021

Landscape of Board involvement

The purpose of this paper is to update the Board on the history of Board involvement in key activities, the maturity of key strategies to date and to illustrate when the Board can expect further discussions on key activities in the future.

Landscape of Board involvement

EDI strategy update

The purpose of this paper is to summarise the RoS management team’s current activities and priorities with regard to meeting our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion objectives.

Progress report

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion strategy

Engagement analysis

The purpose of this paper is to outline the engagement analysis that has taken place on the back of engagement activities that took place in 2020 including the annual Civil Service People Survey and the Interim Investors in People assessment. The paper also outlines the next steps RoS will take based on the results.

Engagement analysis paper

Invest in Our People workshop

The purpose of this paper is to outline the approach of the Invest in Our People Deep Dive session with the Board.  It includes an overview of the session structure, questions for the Board to consider in advance, and pre-reading material.

Invest in Our People workshop

Corporate plan

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS Board with the final draft of the RoS Corporate Plan for 2021 to 2026, following the absorption of changes suggested by the NXDs and discussed at EMT on 25 February 2021

Corporate plan Board cover paper

RoS Corporate Plan 2021-2026

Financial delegations 2021

The purpose of this paper is to undertake the annual review of the financial delegations in operation. It covers the statutory authority for the keeper making payments that are legally required in the exercise of her functions. It sets out how the financial authority is delegated throughout RoS and the relevant limits that apply.

Financial delegations 2021

Review of KPI data

Latest published KPI data

Productivity update

A significant challenge during this financial year, has been to achieve good levels of productivity, whilst teams have been responding to an unpredictable housing market and having to work remotely.  This paper summarises the challenge and discusses how we are addressing it.

Productivity update

Audit & Risk Committee minutes (November 2020)

ARC minutes November 2020

Risk update

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS Board with an update on the Key Risk Register (KRR) and assurance framework 2020-25 following EMT and Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) reviews and continuous Key Risk Owner (KRO) reviews. The paper supports the board in fulfilling its role to provide strategic advice to the Keeper for its focus on setting a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables risk to be assessed and managed

KRR Board paper March 2021

Annex 1B

Annex 1C

Transition project update

The purpose of this paper is to provide RoS Board with a progress update on the Transition project, which was formed at the beginning of May 2020 in response to the COVID-19 impact.

Transition project update

Board minutes November 2020

Board minutes - November 2020

Action log

A summary of the ongoing RoS Board actions

Governance Risk Discussion Tracker

The purpose of this paper is to provide the RoS Board with sight of risk discussions that have taken place at the Board and Audit and Risk Committee meetings for the financial year 2020 - 2021, ensuring all risks are discussed appropriately.

Governance Risk Discussion Tracker

Data strategy update

For over 400 years, data in all its forms has underpinned RoS core purpose of Registration. As the needs of our citizens change, RoS needs a collaborative, concise and transparent data strategy to help safely deliver those needs. This draft paper provides a strategy and framework to unlock, link and reuses our existing data assets with the goal of restructuring it in ways to support our future needs. It will be used to support Board discussion and be refined for signoff in a future board.

Data strategy update

Areas of concern

This paper seeks Board views on Registers of Scotland’s current organisational health and individual views on areas of greatest concern.

Areas of concern