
Sustainability in our hands

RoS is committed to tackling the causes and effects of climate change.

We will reduce our impact on the environment:

  • through effective, sustainable management of our operations and estate
  • by meeting our commitment to net zero emissions by 2045

We will achieve this with a focus on:

  • energy use
  • water management
  • waste and the circular economy
  • digital innovations
  • reducing paper use
  • sustainable travel and commuting
  • sustainable procurement
  • biodiversity
  • green recovery
  • hybrid working

RoS has a Sustainability team who work to ensure that RoS operates as sustainably as possible.

By monitoring environmental performance and engaging with staff, we ensure that we consider our individual impacts on the environment.

We will also collaborate with local organisations and public sector bodies. This will include community activities such as litter picking and tree planting, we also participate in environmental awareness dates such as Climate Week and Earth Hour.

Read our Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy (SCCS) 2021-2026 to find out more.

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