
Our procurement team is a central finance function which:

  • works alone or, where possible, with other organisations to deliver products or services
  • continues to develop our procurement policy
  • provides support and advises our staff

Our principal objectives are to ensure that we:

  • follow best procurement practice
  • get best value for money
  • meet all relevant legal requirements

Where possible, we look for opportunities to work with other organisations to establish collaborative contracts and take advantage of additional efficiencies. We currently use contracts let by the Scottish government and the Crown Commercial Service (CCS).

We've recently published our annual procurement report for 2022 - 2023.

Strategies and policies

Our procurement activities follow these strategies and policies:


This guidance is designed to help you during the procurement process:

Supplier journey

Find out what we'll expect from you, and what you can expect from us, in the Scottish Government's supplier journey.

Terms and conditions

Download our terms and conditions documents for:

Complaints procedure

If you're unhappy about any aspect of our procurement activity, follow our complaints procedure.

Want to know more?

Call us on 0131 528 3800, or email

Other resources

Public Contracts Scotland - including RoS Contract Register

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